Slicing Paths in Sketch

Fuseboard Blog
2 min readJul 12, 2016


Using Adobe Fireworks, we’ve always enjoyed the excellent mix of features for user interface design. After a point in time, we saw a lack of focus from Adobe and transitioned to Sketch from Fireworks. Sketch is an elegantly designed tool for UI design and even complex illustrations. We love Sketch! We could and should author an entire post on it’s awesomeness, however, let’s get back to our tip.

When using Sketch, as much as we love the tool, we always found ourselves having trouble with precisely cutting paths or strokes. Sketch provides a Scissor tool, though it can only cut on path points. And using Masks just didn’t give the right level of control in some situations. Adobe Fireworks had a great tool called the Knife that allowed you to cut a path at any location. Oh, ‘Fireworks’ do we miss you!

Adobe Fireworks Knife tool cutting a circle in half.

After some struggles with Sketch, we embarrassingly found an obvious, though helpful technique to cut paths. Essentially, by using guides (optional) and adding a “cut marker” point, we can cut a path precisely. Below is a brief video of the technique. Enjoy!

Using guides to cut paths with Sketch



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