Redefining Patriotism Equals ‘Promoting Change’ In The Political Process

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2 min readAug 15, 2016

Recently, my family attended a Nationals game that just happened to be the night the Nats honored the U.S. Army. A general threw out the first pitch, the Army Secretary handed the ball to the pitcher, and the whole stadium stood in silence to hear the Army Singing Sergeants sing the Star Spangled Banner and watch the presentation of the Colors.

Soldiers in crisp military dress lined the field in rows straighter than mere mortals could ever replicate. This show of patriotism never gets old. It serves to remind us of the respect we have for our country and those who defend it.

But, there is a different kind of patriotism that, while not as showy, happens in business meetings and dinner tables. Take for example, the session at the WBENC conference in Orlando a few weeks ago sponsored by WIPP/WE Decide 2016. For an hour and a half, we went over the presidential and congressional elections. We talked about what candidates were or were not saying and how the business community has been largely left on the sidelines.

The participants in the room did not know each other, but they started coming up with ideas on how to change party rules, gerrymandered districts, and making a difference in upcoming elections. Yes, we talked about politics without getting snarky. Long after I finished presenting, groups of people around tables kept the discussion going. That’s patriotism.

Polls suggest politics is ‘off the table’ right now. The presidential election survey data show the majority of voters in the Republican Party choose “someone else” instead of their presumptive nominee. And, the one segment (those that held no degrees) that selected Trump did so with the slightest of margins. On the Democratic side, the news isn’t much better. According to Public Policy Polling, Clinton’s favorability is 39/54, and Trump is even worse off at 35/58.


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