10 pieces of advice from billionaires to small businesses

words of encouragement from those who started small and made it big.

biz infuse
3 min readSep 4, 2019


Advice from Billionaires to SMEs and Entrepreneurs| Pixabay

Aliko Dangote.
You must be consistent. When you try a business and you start, you might have hiccups here and there but it does not mean that that business is not going to work.

Diane Hendricks.
Put your business plan together, in writing, run it past a couple of people you respect, run it past the banker without asking him for money. Is there a need for what it is you’re trying to accomplish, the service you’re trying to provide, or the product you’re trying to sell?

Jack Ma.
As an entrepreneur, build up a good team and set a big vision with milestones and go on, never give up. You might have a lot of problems, but the problems you are facing your competitor will face it too.

Oprah Winfrey.
Once you have found your dream, it is time to approach it. When we start with this new challenge, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things that we have to do. Instead of letting yourself get drowned by all those tasks, ask yourself this question: “What is the next right move?” From that moment you can make the next right move and the next right move until you finally reach your goal.

Warren Buffett.
Never stop thinking about how to delight your customer, not to satisfy your customer but to delight your customer. When you wake up in the morning start think about it, during the day think about it, at night think about it and then dream about it.

Zhang Xin.
You need to have the drive to do well. You also need to look beyond the money because if you are just counting money, you’ll never get there.

Uday Kotak.
Younger customers are the future, but older customers have the money. So you need both: one for the present, and the other for the future.

Meg Whitman.
Success happens when good people with good intentions cooperate and work together over a shared interest. Believing that people are basically good is what fuels most inspired individuals. Cynics and pessimists do not change the world.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw.
You need the right team, you need a shared vision, you need a sense of passion, you need compassion, and you need a principled way. There are no short cuts.

Bill gates.
Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self.



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