6 reasons buying a vacation rental property is important

Vacation rental properties are good investments that generate a lot of income.

biz infuse
3 min readAug 30, 2019


Beautiful ocean view| Pixabay

What is a vacation rental property?

A vacation rental property is a house that is usually fully furnished and rented out to tourists as an alternative to hotel rooms. Vacation properties are situated in ideal locations that offer tourists more comfort and privacy.

Over the past few years, the traditional or conventional concept of vacation has drastically changed. People are no longer excited about simply booking flights or hotels, rather they are looking for something that is more fulfilling and worthwhile.

Tourists want to feel a sense of purpose and belonging while they adventure. To many travelers, vacations are becoming extensions of their personas. That is why many are shifting to vacation rental properties.

So how can entrepreneurs capitalize on this? By investing in vacation rental properties. The shift towards vacation homes is a clear indication that there’s a demand and a need that requires to be met.

Vacation rental property| Pixabay

Why should you invest in a vacation rental property?

  1. Income.
    By investing in a vacation rental property you can generate (passive) income while still focusing on your job.
    Since you are offering comfort, privacy and basically a whole house to travelers, you have a higher probability of making a substantial amount of money compared to other businesses.
  2. Property appreciates.
    Buying property at the right time is essential. A good time to purchase a vacation rental property would be when the market prices are low. After a few years the property appreciates in value and if need be you can sell it at a higher price and make a profit.
    Maintaining the property regularly and always making sure that it is in pristine condition is also guaranteed to increase its value.
  3. Build connections.
    Since you’ll be renting out the property, it’s important to look at it as a business. Good customer service can help you build connections that will be helpful in the future.
    A vacation home is meant to make travelers feel appreciated and more relaxed than they would be in hotel rooms. A satisfied customer can recommend your property to friends and help drive more traffic to your business.
  4. Leisure.
    When the property is not occupied you can vacation there yourself and enjoy the environment.
    Take time off to escape from your busy life and clear your mind. If the property is abroad you also get a chance to interact with the locals and enjoy the experience.
    Since it’s your property that means you live there rent free. After that as you head back to work you can start renting out again.
  5. Retirement.
    It is important to plan for retirement beforehand. Owning a vacation rental property can boost your cash flow significantly when you are retired. Apart from your 401 (k), if you purchased the house in your 30s-40s chances are your savings will be looking pretty good by the time you retire.
  6. Tax shelter.
    Owning a vacation property not only brings you income but also acts as a vehicle that helps you minimize your taxable income.

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