Key SEO strategies you need to know about in 2020

SEO tips and strategies to improve your online presence.

Ari Vivekanandarajah
4 min readDec 20, 2019


SEO strategies occupy a revered place in any marketer’s arsenal of tools and tricks. With the abundance of SEO quick-fixes, hacks, and tips out there, it’s hard not to be some kind of SEO whiz. That being said, not all strategies are created equal.

Given that SEO is the bread and butter of my business, I’ve made it my mission to discover tips that are truly effective. Here are a few things I can recommend after years of research and experience:

‘Good’ content is not going to get you backlinks they way you expect it to

It’s no secret that backlinks form a major part of most SEO strategies. Did you know, though, that the best way to get all those valuable backlinks is to provide the statistics, graphs or other types of data that people love to link back to?

I don’t know what your backlink strategy is but if you think simply creating good or quirky content is going to work, you’re not wrong — you just won’t get enough of backlinks to make a difference.

Ever seen those lists of statistics you find online that literally have every single statistic, from various sources, on a given topic?

While this is just one example of the type of posts you need to be creating, these are incredibly effective. Try it for a change and start tracking your SEO ranking and authority.

To further optimise your post, make sure that its keyword is the topic in question, followed by the word ‘statistics’. So, for example, if your post is all about pet adoption and contains graphs, statistics and other data, make sure you optimise it for ‘pet adoption statistics’.

Head here for more backlink tips and strategies.

Consider a content partnership to improve your authority

There’s nothing like redirecting traffic — and boosting your SEO ranking — by promoting your content on another site. This is what sits at the heart of modern content partnerships — you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

By reaching out to like-minded businesses with similar goals, you not only reach a bigger audience but also one that’s somewhat diverse from your own. In this process, make sure that you also agree on social posting to ensure maximum exposure and reach.

Create content for keywords that are brand-based

Another one of the many foolproof SEO strategies that have worked for me has been the use of keywords based on brand names.

Did you know that certain studies have demonstrated that branded keywords are 5X more likely to convert website visitors into leads?

These keywords are great because they’re usually high in search volume and low in competitiveness, making them the perfect way to grab the attention of your audience without having your content lost in the crowd. This is particularly effective because people are interested in branded products or solutions, to begin with.

Take keyword research to the next level on Reddit

Reddit is one of my favourite places on the internet. Want to hash out fan theories or conspiracy theories? Hacks for everyday problems you probably won’t find anywhere else? Geek out about some of the most obscure topics on the planet? Reddit is the place.

Beyond these, however, it’s also a good place to discover treasures in the form of untapped keywords, especially those long-tailed variations any bona fide marketer loves.

Diving into Reddit for your keywords, while taking some time and effort, is intensely rewarding because you also discover new facets of a particular issue — one that may not be discussed as extensively. This allows you to not only position yourself as a subject expert but also make quick SEO wins in an area with low competition.

If your business is a lock, SEO strategies are the key

There are many ways to make sure that you rank well on SERPs — many SEO strategies, in fact. If you’re tired of doing the same old thing and seeing disappointing results or are just looking for ways to give your posts a boost, these points will prove to be worth your time.

The best part is that all these efforts and their corresponding results are organic. No money and no cost — all you need is time and a single-handed determination to make sure that your content ranks exactly where it’s supposed to.

Originally published at on December 20, 2019.



Ari Vivekanandarajah

Ari has over 15 years of experience in Content creation and digital marketing. He has published a book on marketing and has contributed to numerous companies