Bizkey Network Progress Report (2019.4.22–2019.4.28)

Bizkey Official
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2019

Product Technical Progress

【Payment Platform】

1. OTC purchase SMS reminder

2. Double confirmed purchase messages

3. Legal currency payment platform integration

4. Digital Token payment platform debugging

HTML5 Wallet Optimization

1. Developed Android mobile client application

2. Cryptocurrency payment process improvements

Marketing Progress

Marketing Cooperation

Cooperation with external KOL

Market News

1. The Blockchain Life 2019 Summit was held in Singapore on April 23rd and 24th, where many Blockchain figures, such as Tim Draper, Roger Ver and more than 3,000 members from over 70 countries discussed the future development of the Blockchain industry. Participants used the Bizkey wallet application BizPay to shop with more than 8 different cryptocurrencies at over 20 restaurants and hotels in Singapore’s Chinatown.

2. The event was welcomed by global Blockchain enthusiasts as soon as it was launched on April 23rd. KOL Jaide Barclay, a Blockchain entrepreneur from Australia, visited a hotpot & BBQ restaurant in Chinatown to experience crypto payment soon after the first day’s schedule. The trip to Singapore is part of Jaide’s 12-week international challenge to pay only using cryptocurrency. From March 2nd to May 18th, Jaide is visiting 13 cities and 6 countries to experience crypto payment for food, accommodation, and transportation.

3. The blockchain compliance paper led by Bizkey is gaining attention and making great progress. Recently Bizkey gained another contributing author as well as acquired professional legal advice for the report.

Business Development

Node Expansion

1. Node information of potential cities collected.

2. New leads for potential nodes

3. Communicating with 2 potential nodes this week, and 4 potential node leads have been followed up.


WeChat users: 8400

Telegram members(EN): 2000+

Telegram members (KOR): 18000+

Kakao Users (KOR): 1000+

Facebook followers: 11331+

Twitter followers: 627+



Bizkey Official

Re-integrating business with the decentralized economy.