Bizkey Network Progress Report (2019.5.13–2019.5.27)

Bizkey Official
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2019

Product Technical Progress

【Payment Platform】

  1. 1. Backend development for OTC process
  2. 2. OTC front end optimization
  3. 3. Testing and integration with digital exchanges

【HTML5 Wallet Optimization】

1. Specifying requirement for integration of KYC & Compliance solution

2. Improving security of wallet API

Marketing Progress

【Marketing Cooperation】

Cooperation with external KOL achieved

【Market News】

1. Bizkey is expanding, offering a wide range of consultancy services relating to Southeast Asian expansion under the new Bizkey+ brand. Bizkey+ will offer a suite of turnkey solutions backed by in-house and network expertise to help businesses gain traction in new markets to reach next-stage growth results.

2. Bizkey’s compliance paper is nearly finished, with a legal team reviewing the content for accuracy. Essays from contributing authors are coming in, and we can’t wait to release them. As more regulations are released, additional sections will be added to keep the paper up to date.

Business Development

【Node Expansion】

1. Node information of potential cities collected.

2. 1 newly added intention this week

3. Communicating 2 potential nodes this week, and 5 potential nodes have been followed up.


WeChat users: 8200

Telegram members(EN): 1800+

Telegram members (KOR): 17000+

Kakao Users (KOR): 800+

Facebook followers: 11274+

Twitter followers: 652+



Bizkey Official

Re-integrating business with the decentralized economy.