Women in the Entrepreneurial World

Doina D
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020

Today, women play an increasingly prominent role in the entrepreneurial world.

According to the Mastercard Index of Woman Entrepreneurs 2019, the Entrepreneurial Activity Rate of American women has reached 76.8%, followed by New Zealand and Canada. The study involved 58 countries. Mastercard analysts compiled the rating by evaluating 37 indicators reflecting how good the conditions for women’s entrepreneurship are in each of the selected countries.

There are types of businesses where women represent the entrepreneurial majority. For example, women usually open paid kindergartens, clubs and courses for children. Another area where there are also many women is the medical one.

Note that educational and medical activities are licensed activities. That means that these activities require a license in order to be conducted. At the same time, these types of activities imply certain types of tax benefits.

The issues of more active and equal inclusion of women in economic life are inextricably linked to the opportunities that opened up in connection with the new industrial revolution and the transition of the world economy to the era of digitalization. The digital economy is transforming the idea of production and management, radically changing the daily lives of people. The emergence of professions at the intersection of technology and natural sciences require comprehensive training and application of knowledge both in the field of science,technology, and in the humanitarian, social and cultural spheres.

That means that today, women open IT and marketing businesses, they develop new types of services offered via the Internet. Moreover, many women manage production and construction companies. Thanks to their perseverance, their companies carry out planning and financial analysis in advance.

Here are some real examples of successful business women:

Indra Nuyi

She was born and raised in India. Currently, she runs the largest grocery business in the world — the famous corporation PepsiCo.

Cheryl Sandberg

Without her, Facebook wouldn’t be the same today. Sandberg was the first woman to join the Facebook Board of Directors. She managed to turn Facebook’s large expenses on charity into public trust and, as a result, into additional profit.

Anne Sweeney

She is one of the leaders of Disney Media Networks and Disney ABC-Television Group and one of the most influential business women in America, according to the publication Hollywood Reporter.

Margaret Whitman

Her main achievement is dated in the 1998–2008 years. Then, she was able to turn the first eBay online store with 30 employees into a large virtual supermarket with a revenue of $ 8 billion, which later employed 15,000 people around the world.

Virginia Rometty

In 1981, she took up the position of a systems engineer in one of the tiny offices of the little-known IBM company. Today, she holds the position of IBM CEO, one of the most famous corporations on the planet with a budget of $ 105 billion (400,000 employees).

Susan Wojitski

Colleagues call her “the most important member of Google, which no one has ever heard of.” The daughter of a simple American teacher and a Polish physics professor became the vice president of management and engineering of Google.

Now you can certainly be sure that any woman can become the name of a big corporation. They have certain innate strengths, such as creativity, perseverance and communication skills that make them highly effective in their approach to work.

You might never know who sits behind the idea of your beloved pack of chips or mobile services provider! ;)


