Dan Schwartz BIZpaye Thailand
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2019


BIZpaye CRYPTO from a Buyers View

Having been involved in business financing and investing in startups for many years my business partner Ron and I have a methodology for evaluating companies. It is been modified slightly for the blockchain world but you will see how we apply it here to BIZpaye CRYPTO.

When we advise companies we like to look at retiring risk in 3 areas:

  • Technical
  • Management
  • Market

Being an engineer by training I usually put them in this order when dealing with an existing business like BIzpaye.

Technical risk is will the product work? Any time software is involved that can be a very large risk.

Team is next, have they done what they are setting out to do before? What is their experience? Is it a robust team with varied talents? And most important is if I give them money will they be able to use it effectively?

Market Risk is a very critical one. You can build the best product and have the best team but if you don’t have any customers it will all be wasted as you won’t have any incoming cash to sustain your business.

The final consideration when talking Cryptocurrency projects is do they have an ecosystem in place? The question of has the product been built is covered under technical already.

So with this simple framework how does BIZPaye CRYPTO stack up?

Technical – Check, system exists and fully operational use the worldwide network now.

Management – Check, diverse and robust team with significant experience in all aspects.

Market – Check, growth of market and many buyers and users of the system worldwide.

Ecosystem – Check, many thousands of merchants worldwide ready to accept your CRYPTO.

All systems go here, and having evaluated 250 ICOs previously we liked this project so much we became advisors and took over the operations in Thailand to work closely with the founder.

