7 Reasons Why Airport Transfers Are Better For Business Travelers

Amidst all the turmoil in managing travel as the industry rebound, services like airport transfers are often left out while giving priority to flights and hotels.

Rinzin Nalakath
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2021


BC, please don’t get me wrong I’m not referring to any period Before Christ. With all due respect to the traditional reckoned period, here I’m going to mention BC as the period Before Covid-19. BC or Before Covid-19, business travel was one of the sectors that manifested tremendous growth despite all the unexpected socio-economic crisis the travel industry had experienced. The 1300 billion dollar business travel market that was expected to reach $1700 billion by 2023 had evaporated overnight due to pandemic. The travel industry had shown its resilience whenever it got tested. And hopefully, the newly found vaccines will foster the industry’s bounce back with the verve than ever before.

Amidst all the turmoil in managing travel as the industry rebound, the priority is given mainly to flights and hotel bookings whereas services like airport transfers are often left out and many business travelers take these services for granted. Here are the 7 reasons why airport transfer services are essential for business travelers.

1. Assist to arrange the transfers before time

Ride-sharing is gaining attention in this day and age but the flaws in this system are going to be infuriating once we start using it. There are situations where we find it very hard to get a ride-sharing car around in a much needed hour. This leads to a last-minute panic and eventually might end up missing the important flights.

This wouldn’t be the story if you have a proper airport transfer service booked. These companies have a dedicated team and they will assist in arranging your airport transfers taking into consideration various factors such as the weather, traffic, etc. And you’ll surely find the driver waiting for you with the car at your doorstep well on time.

2. Provide cars that fit your need

Companies specializing in airport transfer services operate a wide range of modern and comfortable fleet. From luxury saloons and large SUV’s to standard sedans and economic hatchbacks, they have choices to satisfy the needs of every traveler. Whether you travel solo or in a group the boot space and the seats are something that should be taken care of. By checking the travel detail airport transfer service companies can suggest the best car for the occasion. When a company’s VIP arrives and departs there is always an experienced chauffeur and a super luxury car waiting to serve with all the hospitality.

3. No chances of getting lost

Even though we are living in an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate the software like Google Maps, Waze, etc can at times fail to show the correct route.

There is always a chance of human errors albeit you fly frequently or very familiar with the roads and routes to the airport. The agony caused due to missed flight by a wrong turn is always soaring. The chances of getting lost are improbable whilst you enlist the services of a transportation company. They’ll send you an experienced driver who knows all the roads and routes that takes you to the airport on time.

4. Relax, You don’t need to drive

Business travel is stressful sometimes. The level of stress may differ from person to person and for some this emotion is triggered due to the separation from the family for a period. Some find it repulsive in the airport due to the flight delays and baggage handling problems. Flying on a non-preferred flight, cabin class, or odd hours also put travelers in an unease state. Meantime, Driving to the airport is something like adding a pinch of salt to the wound.

With a good airport transfer service on your side, then all you have to do is just sit back and enjoy the ride to the airport. A chauffeur will do all the driving and he will make sure that the traveler gets his much-needed peace of mind during transfers.

5. Savings on airport parking

Airport authorities always keep the parking fee sky high and rigid even if the airfare sometimes goes downhill and flexible. There is always a frowning face and rolling eyes after seeing that expensive parking bill at the airports when you had to leave your car while took that quick trip. Not when you can have an alternative mode of transport arranged.

It’s obvious that airport services come with a charge, but it won’t be a dime when compared with driving to the airport yourself and paying for the parking. And that’s not taking into consideration what awaits you if you’ve had to extend your stay at the destination for a few more days. So book an airport transfer service and you’ll never ever need to worry about the airport parking bills.

6. Work while you travel

Forgot to send that mail delegating your work? Or need to message mom that you’re going to be away for a few days? When you have a transfer booked you don’t need to worry about your unfinished stuff as you hurry to the airport at the last minute. There is always some time for those catch-ups when you have an experienced driver behind the wheel. You will also get enough time to prepare yourself for the business meeting or seminars on your way towards the airport. Furthermore, you can relax and anticipate just about the purpose of your travel.

7. Pick-up and drop: anywhere, anytime

Be it at odd hours in the night or during the rush hours of the day, whether you need it from a crowded street or just outside your main door, airport transfer companies can arrange a hassle-free journey to and from the airport according to your schedule. Pick-ups and drop-offs literally from anywhere at any time are only possible with a chauffeur-driven car.

AC (After Covid-19), when you start going on more business trips, why not speak to your business travel agent and request a quote for airport transfer services?



Rinzin Nalakath
Editor for

Entrepreneur and Sales Specialist. Travel and Technology Enthusiast.