Efficient Implementation of Intelligent Conversational Bot Better Serves Defense Acquisition Workforce

Joe Herres
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2021

The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) serves the Defense Acquisition Workforce as the major learning center for the acquisition professional, including formal courses, continuous learning modules, knowledge assets and tools and consulting.

DAU is constantly looking to find new and innovative ways to support the workforce. When they investigated the use of chat bots and AI, they found the user experiences to be intuitive and a great way to support end users.

The implementation by Qbase of the AtBot platform empowered DAU to build their first chat bot in a matter of weeks. In addition to the technical efficiencies gained, they implemented smart ways to analyze user behavior in order to maximize the value of the conversational experience.


DAU was looking to improve how they deliver information and their training processes to their audience. They found AI Bots to be a proven method. Building bots from scratch is labor intensive, costly, can lead to maintenance cycles that will delay new features and functionality, and are often developed as a siloed application that can’t be reused.


Qbase chose the AtBot bot-as-a-service platform to build conversation user experiences for DAU. This platform is built upon best in breed AI and RPA technology from Microsoft. Qbase built the first bots for DAU, but the platform is now in place for other business units to build upon as well.


Cost savings and time to market were instantly realized after implementing the AtBot platform. The tight integration with Microsoft services has brought deep analytics to help DAU understand user behavior in ways they never did before. Additionally, DAU now has a standard approach for any conversation AI capability as they continue to modernize their learning experiences.

Full Case Study

For the complete case study, reach out to hello@atbot.io

About AtBot

AtBot is the premiere bot-as-a-service solution for the Microsoft cloud. Teach AtBot tasks using Power Automate, make him your corporate source of knowledge with QnA Maker, help him understand almost anything your colleagues could ask thanks to LUIS, and manage his features with the AtBot Admin Portal.


About Qbase

A sharp focus on getting it right motivates Qbase leadership, its engineers, and employees. A small business led by seasoned former executives and inventors from LexisNexis, Apptis, and other leading companies, the Qbase team provides hands-on consultation with analysis of your data to maximize its value.


