Extend Bot Functionality to Tabs in Microsoft Teams with AtBot

Joe Herres
2 min readMar 22, 2019


With the latest round of updates to AtBot we have introduced integration with tabs in Microsoft Teams. This allows your bots to push larger amounts of data to a tab without cluttering up the conversation with long lists of content or large carousels of cards.

The Case for Tabs

Bots are great for giving you exact answers to questions and doing specific things for you. But what about when you want to ask the bot about a larger amount of content?

  • “Show me open tickets”
  • “What do we have in stock”
  • “Who can help me with X”

These are all great use cases for the bot responding with content in a tab rather than inline in the conversation.

Your Content Stored in Your Tenant

Content privacy is very important to us and this feature is no exception. All of the content that your bots will show in tabs will be stored in your Azure tenant. To support this, you provide a connection string to a blob storage container in the AtBot Admin Portal.

Adaptive Cards, Front and Center

The rendering of content in the tabs is 100% powered by Adaptive Cards and the templates you can create in the AtBot Admin Portal. In addition to rendering the dynamically generated cards in the tab, the custom submit actions on the card are supported, allowing the tab to communicate back to the bot!

Watch the video below for a full run through on Teams Tab integration in AtBot.

AtBot brings AI within reach

AtBot is the premiere bot-as-a-service solution for the Microsoft cloud. Built completely within Azure, AtBot is your out-of-the-box, easy-to-configure bot for Teams, SharePoint, or the web. Teach AtBot tasks using Power Automate, make him your corporate source of knowledge with QnA Maker, help him understand almost anything your colleagues could ask thanks to LUIS, and manage his features with the AtBot Admin Portal. Get going with AtBot Free or start your free trial of AtBot Premium today.

