Template: Automate IT Help Desk & Tech Support via Chatbot

Matt Wade
3 min readJun 10, 2019


Help desk support is one of the first places everyone sees value in using a chatbot. And why not? We’ve already covered how bots can automate most of tier-1 IT support tickets.

And connecting to a network printer — even in the 21st century — is a big one that everyone understands. Use this demo to show off how an IT Bot can automate huge amounts of what is currently manual work.

This Skill starts by confirming with the user where they want to print first. Many organizations have unintelligible naming schemes for printers, so we took the opportunity for the bot to use its Microsoft Graph knowledge about the user (especially where their office is) to suggest which printer to connect to. Then it provides the user guidance on how to connect.

Here’s a quick video demo of how it works in AtBot Premium chatting with a branded AtBot we called AskIT via a SharePoint Online Communication Site.

You can build out this Skill in AtBot Free from the Microsoft Teams App Store or use Intent Vectors to make it even more robust in AtBot Premium. Naturally, you can configure the conversation and actions to do whatever you’d like once you upload the Power Automate Flow file.

So take this as a starting point if you’d like to bring it a step further, including running scripts or Azure functions to actually do the printer install automatically if you’ve got the developer skills to pull this off.

Build this in AtBot Free

You can find all the necessary files and references in our GitHub repository. Make sure to download and open the Read Me file first. It provides all the directions you need.

Everything you need to build this Skill in AtBot Free

Even though this is AtBot Free, you can still use LUIS for natural language processing, which really adds a wow factor to your demo and users.

Build this in AtBot Premium

You can find all the necessary files and references in our GitHub repository. Make sure to download and open the Read Me file first. It provides all the directions you need.

Everything you need to build this Skill in AtBot Premium

This demo makes use of LUIS Intent Vectors, which ensure all required input (like the printer type) are gathered before even kicking off the Skill.

Keep in mind an IT bot can go so much further. Look through your existing IT ticket metrics to find the top 15, 20, even 30 most common issues and plan to build Skills for each. And remember that these bots are available on mobile devices in Microsoft Teams, so if someone hits a blue screen of death or needs a new password, the desktop device that is now essentially useless is superseded by a mobile device!

Next, imagine connecting a fully-stocked QnA Maker knowledge base that can answer all the questions about topics like wifi passwords, room requests, Office 365 tips, pro software license requests, and device reservations. AtBot Premium can get you there in a matter of hours. Your IT bot demo can be fully informed almost from the start for a reaction that’s even beyond wow.

AtBot brings AI within reach

AtBot is the premiere bot-as-a-service solution for the Microsoft cloud. Built completely within Azure, AtBot is your out-of-the-box, easy-to-configure bot for Teams, SharePoint, or the web. Teach AtBot tasks using Power Automate, make him your corporate source of knowledge with QnA Maker, help him understand almost anything your colleagues could ask thanks to LUIS, and manage his features with the AtBot Admin Portal. Get going with AtBot Free or start your free trial of AtBot Premium today.



Matt Wade
Writer for

Microsoft MVP • Office 365 & Microsoft Teams specialist • NY→USVI→DC→NY