A Land of No Coffee


Is coffee the currency of the future? A fictional journey.
May Mania Prompt #1 courtesy of Keeley Schroder
Write a funny how-to guide on surviving without coffee, tea or alcohol.

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash


I open the door of the cabinet. I reach for the bag of coffee beans. My hand touches nothing but the cabinet shelf — nothing. WTF!? Are we out of coffee? How is this even conceivable? Whose turn was it to pick it up? Am I the guilty one?

In a vapid dystopian future, coffee has become a hoarded commodity available to only the ultra-wealthy. It is hidden away from society in heavily guarded storehouses and only the UW’s (Ultra Wealthy’s) have access through a secret network named the SCS (Secret Coffee Service).

Without coffee to stimulate it, society has become a mass of sleepy, coffee-less, almost mindless automatons, subjugated to the UW’s through caffeine depravation.

Confined to doing the meaningless tasks dictated by the UW’s, society’s whole existence centers around making the lives of the UW’s as comfortable and worry free as possible. And the UW’s are extremely comfortable and worry free. They have all the coffee they want any time they want.

Elon Musk’s great, great, great grandson, Ni, has become Emperor of the Caffeinated World. This

