Beginner’s Luck, He Said.

Then I kept getting better.


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: Pexels

Alright, stop.

Wait a minute. Slow your roll. Calm down.

I am 100% not a supporter of the ridiculously easy access to firearms that exists in the world (especially in this country) nor am I a member of the NRA, a Republican, a gun owner, and I definitely think automatic and semi-automatic weapons should be completely banned.


Now… that having been said…

Prompt: Do you believe in Beginner’s Luck?

Alright, so you all know that I’m a vet tech. If you’re one of my long-time loyal readers, you also know that this career started with a chance encounter with an injured opossum that I helped save. That encounter happened while I was waiting out a hiring freeze.

From the FBI.

I have a Master’s in Criminal Psychology and did a mentorship program with an FBI Agent (whom I am still very close with to this day and consider like a second father to me).

I became obsessed with the idea of joining the FBI thanks to old episodes of the television show, Criminal Minds. I wanted to profile serial killers. I wanted to join the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit).



Ruby Noir 😈
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

14 X’s Top Writer. Vet tech and mom of 6 rescue animals. I speak for those who have no voice.