BJ’s This or That | Challenge

BJ’s This or That: Bro-lentine’s Day Challenge

For dudes and the sultry minxes who love them


Photo by Abby Savage on Unsplash

I don’t know when Bro-lentine’s Day is. But when BJ got asked by Vincent Pisano for a Galentine’s Day ToT Challenge for men, she said, “Why the hell not?”

Can you handle this? Can you take one more ToT? Pretty please, with some big love on top?

Y’all asked for this. Okay, one of you. One of you asked for this.

She may be a bit titched, but BJ isn’t putting any gender in a box. Although BJ identifies as female, she firmly believes that she’s split down the middle as far as her gender goes. Masculine? Sure. Feminine? Yeah, she’ll love that. Her sexuality takes notes from the same card, but you’re not here to talk about (sex).

BJ played with dolls as a young’un, but she also played in engine oil and literal chicken poo. She made cow pies (or “cow poo puddles”, I know, too much poop talk) beautiful by dotting them with dandelions and shiny rocks and then stuck a stick right in the middle of it to lay claim to her land.

BJ’s been addressed mail to “Mr. Brett Tomlin” so many times she thought she might pinch a postal worker.



Brett Jenae Tomlin
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Brett lives in Dallas with her partner and their dogs. She loves to write about living broadly and bravely with anxiety.