Challenge: This or That, Shamrock Edition

Bruce Coulter, we hardly knew ye


Leprechaun figurine, sitting on top of a sign that says “Get your green on!”
“Look at this guy, just sitting around., like he’s on top of the world or something.” Photo Credit: RODNAE Productions, at Pexels

Well, somebody had to do it. And, it looks like Bruce Coulter has gone and done it. Sure and magoo-rah, the laddie’s gone and done it. He made up a ten-question challenge, related to everything Irish, for St. Patrick’s day. Here is the link for what Bruce has gone and done:

So, you KNOW what has to happen NEXT, don’t you? Ten extra points for those of you who guessed this without any further hints: A challenge has been declared. Did you see him slap me (gently) with that glove? Oh right, that was ME slapping HIM with the glove thing. But still, I cannot walk away. A challenge, once seen, can never be unseen.

Disclaimer: no slapping is recommended or implied by its use in this article. Please do not report me to Medium for suggesting such an act of violence. No gloves or animals or people were abused or injured in the writing of this article.

Here are the questions, so that you can cut and paste them before you fill in your…



Denise Kendig
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Hello. I am an old soul with a young heart. Looking forward to sharing the journey with lots of new friends along the way.