Fantasy Fiction This or That Challenge

Building My Perfect Fantasy World


Image by mcarrel from Depositphotos

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything meaningful; I’ve been too busy stressing about housing and dealing with deaths in the family. I love a good challenge. It is a great way to get the creative juices following, especially after an extended period of not writing.

So, when Jacinta tagged me in a new ‘This or That’ challenge, I thought, perfect, this will be a great way of getting back into the swing of things. That was until I saw the choices. I mean, come on, no writer of fantasy should ever have to choose between vampires and dragons.

But a deal is a deal, and since I said I’d take part, here are my answers. And yes, I shed blood, sweat, and tears over several of them.

1. Dystopian or Enchanted


Much of my writing revolves around enchanted worlds full of interesting and unique creatures, as do most fantasy stories I like to read. While my reading and writing tend to be more on the dark side, I usually stop short of dystopian.

2. Vampire or Dragon


I thought long and hard about this one. The dragon would win hands or talons down if we were talking about which one…



BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Writer & poet. Working on my first novel. Loves metal/rock. Follower of the old gods/pagan/heathen. She/her.