Getting To Know You

I challenge you to answer these questions, so we can get to know each other.


Pencil drawing of my grandson, Artist Paula Shablo

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of stories featuring either/or questions or other random questions meant for us to get to know each other, and it made me think about a lot of things I’m curious about, regarding my fellow writers.

Don’t get nervous — I would never ask about earnings or STATS.

Nope. I’m nosier than that. (Insert evil laugh here*)

I’ll make it easier on you by answering the questions myself. If I think of anything I’m not willing to answer about me, I definitely won’t ask it of you.

Not all questions will address writing, but I few will. I’m interested in you as people.

It’s time to get to know you!

  1. When writing, are you a morning person or a night person?

I know a lot of writers insist they are more productive and clear minded in the morning, but I am not one of that tribe. Early in the day, I might jot notes down, but I’m more…



Paula Shablo
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Published Author. Loving daughter, mom, Grandma. Bona fide Geek with the graphic tees to prove it. Believer of all the fantastic things. Artist, musician & fan.