Hue Am I, Hue Are You?

Here’s yet another challenge.


Omar Medina on Pixabay

Colour adds dimension to our life. This statement coming from the woman, me, who wears mostly black, but that’s because I’m no longer thin. It’s not my favourite shade; if anyone even considers black a hue, it’s not.

So, hue am I?

  1. What is your favorite color? Why? I’ve had difficulty choosing a favourite colour recently because it differs depending on the source. My favourite hair dye was once golden brown, the car tint was charcoal gray, and the breed of dog was fawn, so someone could assume I lean toward the earthier tones, but you’d be wrong. My favourite colour is violet, but who’s ever heard of a purple dog?
  2. Do you wear this color? How often and when? Although purple suits me, I rarely wear it. When I do, strangers compliment me. I bought a Ravens sweatshirt for its colour and not the team. Although I was becoming a football fan at the time of purchase, I hadn’t yet chosen a favourite team, so the Baltimore Ravens sufficed. Why not? After all, the team was a contender, and quarterback Joe Flacco had exquisite eyes. Too bad his Iris didn’t come in, mauve.
  3. What does the color suggest to you? Violet invokes passion in me, replacing the more common red symbol, which, for me, represents violence. I grew up in a room with one deep purple wall and rug and…



Karen Schwartz
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.