Keeley’s March Madness, Day 13

They say Guinness is Good for You!


A man is holding a full glass of Guinness in a rather crowded bar full of Guinness draft stations.
The bar on the top floor of the Guinness Storeroom, Dublin, 2002. Photo by my wife.

Keeley Schroeder’s prompt for day 13 of her March Challenge is “Guinness…Love it or Leave it?” And I feel it’s about time for getting my two cents in here.

You can drop by any pub in Ireland and ask for the black stuff. Or, if you prefer, a pint of gat. In some places just asking for a pint is good enough.

Whatever way you order, the bartender will take about a minute to pour you a perfect draft of the precious liquid known the world over as Guinness Stout and then let it set for two minutes.

If you’re lucky, an image of a shamrock will appear in the creamy head. And then — oh wait, take a big look at your glass. It really isn’t black at all, is it? No, it’s a very dark, dark, dark red! They say it’s the roasted barley that provides both the taste and the color — OK, now it’s time to wet your whistle!

There, wasn’t that good? Did you notice any coffee or chocolate taste?

Speaking of good, did you know that Guinness is good for you? I noticed on our first trip to Ireland in 2002 that just about every pub in the land had that slogan on the wall or in the window. Maybe they got into a little trouble with the medical authorities over that slogan because I didn’t see too much of it on our return trips in 2009 and 2019.

But is it really good for you? Well, let’s see. It’s alcohol content is only 4.2%. Most beers are a lot more. Even Bud Light is almost 5%. So Guinness may be better for you than most other beers in this regard. All right, Bud Light has about 20 fewer calories. But wouldn’t you want great taste over any light beer?

Also, the barley in your Guinness gives it some anti-oxidants and fiber. Most other beers don’t have barley. So they don’t have the anti-oxidants and the fiber. Ergo, they are not as good for you as Guinness!

I rest my case. Speaking of cases, don’t forget Paddy’s Day is this Friday. You can buy Guinness in cans, you know. Every can contains a widget full of nitrogen that will mimic any draft poured from an Irish pub.

Just remember to pour your can of Guinness into a pint glass. Start with your glass at as 45 degree angle. When you are about two inches from the top, stop and let it settle for two minutes. Then finish pouring with the glass straight up.

But don’t spill a drop. The fairies won’t like that.



Jerry Dwyer
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.