May Mania: Another Month of Writing Prompts for Those Crazy Enough To Accept The Challenge

It’s not just writing, it’s community


Photo made by Canva.

Well, well, well… here we are again. For those of you crazy enough to return, welcome back.

For those of you new here, welcome to this bizarre culmination of writers from all over the world.

Who use Medium for good not evil.

You may find yourself wondering whether or not you can commit to an entire month of prompts. To form the habit of writing every day requires great discipline, but more than that, it requires great people waiting expectantly to read your responses.

I started these monthly challenges back in January and since then they have helped many writers hone their skills, get their writing out there and their voices heard. More importantly, being a part of my clan / crew/ gang / cult, call it what you want, means you will find your people.

It’s totally fine if you can’t commit to a whole month. Some days are a struggle, even for me, the PROMpt Queen. This is why I also permit dippers.

dipper noun:

a dipper is one who enjoys the idea of a challenge but cannot possibly sustain the habit of…



Keeley Schroder
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Mother to Caelin and Tiernan (two-legged children) and Phoenix (four-legged child). Lover of dogs, writing, true crime, Netflix, board games, wine and cheese.