BJ’s This or That | Seasons

My Favorite Season is Camping Season

As long as there are bathrooms nearby


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but the weather here in Dallas is the best it will be pretty much all year. Sporting what I like to call “California weather”, the days in these parts are 70 degrees during the day and 50 at night which can mean only one thing.

It’s time to go camping.

What is your favorite season and why?

I love camping season. As long as I don’t have to piddle in the woods.

My dad used to take us camping in the woods behind our farmhouse in Mid-Michigan and it was a dream. He bought us the biggest, warmest sleeping bags and got up in the morning to fry potato slices on a cast-iron skillet over a fire while we watched our breath turn to thick steam from our toasty cocoons until breakfast was ready or until we had to pee, which we had to do in the woods.

Our campsite was on the top of a small hill near a part of the river that ran along the back of our 140-acre property that we called “The Bend”.

On the top of that hill sat a blank, dirt-covered clay pitch perfect for a campfire next to a…



Brett Jenae Tomlin
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Brett lives in Dallas with her partner and their dogs. She loves to write about living broadly and bravely with anxiety.