The Dipper Takes Five

Cheerios, chocolate, and cheese, oh my!


Smiling naked baby sitting in a very small bucket, or maybe it’s a large bowl.
“This baby is smiling. Is it because of the Cheerios, the chocolate, or the cheese?” Photo Credit: Fahad Al Huda, at Pexels.

Keeley Schroder… April Writing Prompts … Number Five.

That’s all I’m going to say. Here is what SHE said:

5. Write a humorous poem about chocolate, cheese or cheerios.
— Keeley Schroder, in April Writing Prompt #5

Anything Goes

Chocolate, cheese, and Cheerios
Put them together, and anything goes.

Cheese, chocolate, and Cheerios
Be careful that nothing goes right up your nose.

Cheerios, chocolate, and yummy cheese,
I am very familiar with these.

Chocolate, cheerios, and cheese,
Help yourself, eat as much as you please.

Cheerios, cheese, and chocolate,
Live life with all the passion you’ve got.

Cheese, cheerios, and chocolate
A meal like that cannot be forgot‘.

Eat them in any order you like
But it’s best not to eat them while riding a bike.



Denise Kendig
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Hello. I am an old soul with a young heart. Looking forward to sharing the journey with lots of new friends along the way.