Drinking Games

BJ’s This or That Challenge: Christmas Edition 2022

Who wants to get a bit ToT-ty?

Brett Jenae Tomlin
BJ’s This or That
3 min readDec 6, 2022


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Calling all writers! Do this challenge for a bit of fun and a publish to remember. The last edition of this game was super enjoyable. We learned a lot about each other and let our creativity shine, too!

Feel free to do this freestyle, YOUR STYLE. Last time we had some pretty sweet listings with complementary images, dialogue and description, humor, innuendo, and shenanigans, too.

If you’re looking for a place to put your holiday mischief, this is that place.

I love your shenanigans. Give me all of your shenanigans.

“This or That” is a drinking game I learned at 14, sitting around tables with super suave (or so I thought at the time) college friends getting to know each other, getting drunk, and showing my sober, fiery teen some good times. You can find a bit more of that story and the first ToT challenge at the bottom of this article.

For those of you who didn’t do the last ToT prompt, here’s how to play:

  1. Copy and paste this list of questions into an article entitled something like: “BJ’s X-mas This or That



Brett Jenae Tomlin
BJ’s This or That

Brett lives in Dallas with her partner and their dogs. She loves to write about living broadly and bravely with anxiety.