Understanding Tomorrow: The Future of User Research in Design

Embracing Challenges and Innovating User Experiences in a Digital World

Bibhu Kalyan Nayak
2 min readNov 4, 2023


The digital age is transforming the way we interact with technology, making the role of user research in interaction design more crucial than ever. As we strive to create products that resonate with users, we face new challenges that require innovative solutions. This article examines these challenges, illuminated by examples from the field.

Digital age is transforming

1. Agency Model Transformation and Intellectual Property Creation

Design agencies are increasingly focusing on creating their own products and intellectual property. For example, UsTwo, known for its popular game Monument Valley, has shown how agencies can successfully shift to product creation, blending user research with game design to create an engaging user experience.

2. Fragmented User Journeys and User Expectations

With the advent of multi-platform usage, user journeys have become more fragmented. Fuzzy Math, a user experience design consultancy, discusses the importance of understanding these fragmented journeys to design cohesive experiences that meet users’ ‘pick-up and put-down’ behaviours.

3. New Interaction Paradigms

As new technologies emerge, so do new interaction paradigms. Hotjar’s blog highlights the challenges UX designers face with these new paradigms, such as designing for voice interfaces or gesture-based controls that are becoming more prevalent in apps and devices.

4. Data-driven and Emotional Design

Balancing data-driven design with emotional design is a challenge that UX researchers face. Hotjar also provides examples of UX research in action, showing how data can inform design decisions while still capturing the emotional responses of users to create products that are not only functional but also emotionally engaging.

5. Designing for No Interface and New Human Experiences

The move towards ‘no interface’ and AI-driven experiences is another area where user research is vital. For instance, designing for AI assistants or chatbots requires a deep understanding of natural language processing and user behaviour to create seamless interactions.


The field of user research in interaction design is rapidly evolving. By understanding and addressing these challenges, user researchers can create experiences that are not just usable but also deeply engaging and satisfying. The path ahead includes adaptation, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to the user.

