BKEX Explores the Mysteries of Metaverse Games

BKEX Exchange
BKEX Content Center
8 min readSep 3, 2021

BKEX is a global digital asset financial service platform, focusing on the mining and absorption of high-quality assets, an innovative international station of digital assets for global users, providing trading and investment services among various digital assets.

Recently, an outstanding blockchain game MIR4, has attracted many players. Game products based on NFT concept are also gradually increasing. The blockchain game industry is developing well and has officially took the step on the road of continuous exploration to Metaverse.

Compared with traditional games in which game developers have control over assets, game assets cannot be transferred to each other, and player history is difficult to track and share, the data disclosure of blockchain games gives players greater autonomy. Blockchain game assets support cross-game interoperation, continuously record players and data history allow developers to create personalized content, and players can purchase game assets directly from other players. In addition, players can also carry out game asset custody services and obtain game assets by using smart contracts, which means that game developers can not rely on establishing a business model around market costs and can not prevent players from reselling goods. The value of “hard currency” of cryptocurrency is roughly determined by the trading market, not game economists.

The survival of traditional games needs change especially when it is faced with the rapid development speed of new industry formats such as DeFi, NFT and GameFi. As one of the important sectors of the innovation ecology of blockchain industry, whether individual investors or professional investment institutions, the investment direction and ecological layout of blockchain games have become the focus of investors.

1. Game Exploring Metaverse

Only according to the investment data publicly disclosed in the first half of this year, there were 770 financing in the global blockchain industry, with a total financing of more than 76 billion yuan. This year, the applications in DeFi, NFT and other industries are most favored by institutions and capital, with a total of 625 financing, accounting for more than 81%. Among them, the number of financing for DeFi track exceeds 200.

According to the statistics of Newzoo, the scale of the global game market has increased from US $70.6 billion in 2012 to US $177.8 billion in 2020, and is expected to exceed US $200 billion in 2023. The proportion of mobile games has increased from 12.9% in 2012 to 49% in 2020, and is expected to reach 52% in 2021. The development trend of the global game market will continue to rise, mobile games will become the main factor for sustained growth, and Metaverse is expected to become a new long-term exploration direction.

Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, which is composed of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet. Meta stands for transcendence, verse stands for universe, and the combination of the two is the next stage of the Internet. The proposal of Metaverse carries people’s good vision for the future development of the Internet, and Metaverse in the game is a social discussion of the virtual world, which is mainly composed of diversified communities, economic transaction systems, civilized norms, roles and identities.

With the continuous development of blockchain technology, the future form of the Internet will no longer be single. The virtual world of Metaverse is expected to bring richer modes of entertainment and social networking to the society, and become a new long-term exploration form in improving social operation efficiency and excavating personal value.

2. Diversity of NFT Games

The birth of any project is not achieved overnight, and so is “Metaverse” game. So far, the advanced process of “Metaverse” can be roughly divided into three stages.

Stage 1: UCG platform game.

The stage of UCG platform game can realize the diversity of game forms and meet the entertainment and social needs of players. The open editor can also allow players to make many kinds of game content. However, UCG mainly focuses on single games and user-made content, and there is no economic system that can operate independently. Too complex economic activities will cause a “burden” on platform games in UCG stage. Game manufacturers absolutely control the lifeline of the whole economic system, and NFT games are limited in playability.

Stage 2: Multi game interconnection.

The game in the multi game interconnection stage can break through the boundaries between game content, resources and assets, and make use of the cryptocurrency in the game to make the economy run freely between different games, so as to flow. Using the “smart contract” mechanism, the corresponding amount of money is distributed to the corresponding game, and the corresponding game distributes the money obtained from the chain to the players according to the resources contributed by the players according to other “smart contracts”, so as to realize the objective neutrality of resource allocation. Even after the game is closed, the operation of changing the “alliance chain” to “public chain” can save records for players of the whole node, the ownership of virtual props in the game still belongs to the player, and continue to carry out economic transactions and prop reproduction through the blockchain. If NFT technology is used, more playing methods such as mining and instance zone capture can be added.

Stage 3: Metaverse.

When the multi game interconnection develops to a sufficient technical level, the game volume can also be infinitely enlarged. Game related creators don’t need to worry about the game volume anymore. By using cloud computing, distributed storage and other related technologies, game files can not only be saved in the cloud services, but also exist in the player host of each node. Metaverse AR, Mr, VR and other technologies are used to enhance the game player experience, so that the interconnection of the whole and multiple games is no longer imagination.

3. New Era of Yield Farming

When the scale of the game economy continues to expand, more people are bound to pay attention to the next growth of game industry and tap this treasure that may become a “gold mine”. Investors continue to explore the secrets hidden in the depths of gold mines. Players continue to make a living by yield farming in the game. Yield farming has also set off a new wave with NFT, Metaverse and GameFi.

At first, Bitcoin’s whole network hashrate used GPU to mine. Later, due to the update of some algorithms, it began the era of FPG mining. As Bitcoin is less and less and mining difficulty is bigger and bigger, many diggers turn to dig other altcoin to gain profits from altcoin. Especially when the blockchain is hot, many newcomers enter the market and participate in the platform mining. The digital currencies dug out by the initial platform are basically traded over the counter. Many of them are raise money by hook through the concept of blockchain, regardless of technological and ecological development. With the increasing issuance of alcoins, there will be hype about these projects in the market to carry out the trick of yield farming.

With the continuous development of cryptocurrency market ecology, DeFi was born to adapt to market changes and realize the yield farming by relying on liquidity. Today, NFT provides a digital carrier for knowledge, copyright and creativity, and constructs a new mode of digital asset trading under the new ecology. NFT generates a new way of yield mining in multiple fields, making players to invest in the game itself in order to obtain game currency or NFT. Metaverse moves NFT from the earliest digital collection auction scene to a more complex and huge system, and continues to expand its application fields. In the future, it will cover games, works of art, collections, digital music, virtual assets, identity characteristics, digital certificates and other aspects, create an unrestricted real and virtual world, and make the economic system of Metaverse have a strong gold absorption ability.

Trading platform must have advanced vision and solid technology to deal with industry changes, as does BKEX.

4. BKEX Follows Times

We are rapidly moving towards a world where NFT yield farming is becoming more and more popular. From a forward-looking perspective, we have launched activities such as “Smart Pool”, “DeFi”, “Regular Mining of mainstream currencies” to the gold mining of subsequent Metaverse game projects. Helping platform users see the real rising space of potential projects and realize that the development of the world is accelerating and diversified is what BKEX has been doing.

In this new era, the market is the best feedback. Blockchain technology has been making progress. As a high-quality digital asset aggregation platform with steady growth and continuous progress, BKEX has long followed the footsteps of the times and launched a “Metaverse concept” section to screen out many suitable and potential high-quality Metaverse projects through professional project evaluation mechanism and top research team evaluation, so users in BKEX can get high-quality resources first and participate in the blue ocean market of NFT and Metaverse. BKEX is full of confidence in the industry and looks forward to the future market development.

NFT and Metaverse are pushing the blockchain market from virtual world to real world. BKEX is also embracing this industrial wave, providing an all-round platform for all walks of life with the principle of global layout and user first, opening up mining, financial management, contracts, transactions and other links, establishing a complete ecosystem of BKEX, which will also enable more real economy. Make users safe and reassured, and make cooperative project parties and institutions feel responsible and reliable.

Facing the ever-changing market, BKEX will also face all opportunities and unknown challenges with excellent technology, diversified products and efficient services, deeply study all emerging fields, grasp opportunities and continue to grow. Constantly update high-quality projects with asset flow value in the plate of Metaverse, constantly explore the advanced value of “blockchain + Metaverse + game”, and empower users’ asset appreciation with a more professional, high-quality and responsible vision.

At the beginning of the second half of 2020, DeFi was hot in the whole industry. BKEX took the lead in seizing this opportunity and launched the “DeFi section” in June 2020; In the first half of 2021, NFT sales soared to $2.5 billion, NFT became a bridge between the real world and on-chain world, BKEX once again became the “compass” of this blue ocean, and listed currencies with high market cap ranking such as THETA, XTZ and CHZ; From the first liquidity futures FIL6 to Chia Network, the emergence of green digital economy and financial ecology, BKEX not only provided air drop for users, but also XCH (Chia token) achieved an amazing increase of 803%“; When the “zoo” was hot, BKEX completed the world initial listing of KISHU world, led territory of the zoo, and BKEX became a leader in the “crazy animal city” in the form of original dividend airdrop; When realizing that the development of NFT will inevitably promote the actual landing of Metaverse world, BKEX “Metaverse concept” section was launched in time, and then listed AXS, MANA, ALICE, TLM and other currencies; At present, BKEX has listed DDX (DerivaDAO), NFD (Feisty Doge NFT), EFI (Efinity) and other currencies to explore and embrace every cryptocurrency opportunity under the wave of blockchain with enthusiasm and compliance.

In the future, BKEX team will continue to increase the cost investment in the selection of high-quality assets, and devote its investment and research efforts to focus on the research of high-quality prospect projects, thus providing users with professional and accurate selection of high-quality assets. In the rapidly changing cryptocurrency market, BKEX has become a solid friend of users on the road of investment.

*️⃣English Telegram group

