Dialogue with vEmpire DDAO: Innovative Metaverse & DeFi

BKEX Exchange
BKEX Content Center
7 min readSep 16, 2021

BKEX is a global digital asset financial service platform, focusing on the mining and absorption of high-quality assets, an innovative international station of digital assets for global users, providing trading and investment services among various digital assets.

The AMA held by BKEX aims to introduce users to the best quality projects, the most cutting-edge news and the hottest markets. It directly talks to the projects themselves and gives the most accurate first-hand news to the users so that they can get the market dividends in time.

Dominic Ryder, CEO of vEmpire DDAO,revealed the playing ways of vEmpire DDAO, innovative Metaverse and DeFi.

Q1: Please introduce vEmpire DDAO project to us.

So I’m Dominic Ryder, CEO and founder of vEmpire, I started my career as a stockbroker, moving into wealth management and then venture capital. In regards to vEmpire the reasoning behind the protocol was as a reaction to all the greed and corruption over the I witnessed in my time in finance. I wanted vEmpire to stand up for the average investor and to fight against out of control capitalism

vEmpire is fighting centralisation.

Starting with the Metaverse companies we will be facilitating DeFi esque staking strategies of Metaverse tokens. We’ll use these to invade and conquer these protocols by incentivising staking with rewards in both VEMP & also in the native token staked so AXS, MANA, SAND & STARL etc

Q2: In the introduction of VEMP, there is a sentence: “The Empire’s goal is to highlight centralisation in supposedly decentralised projects”. Can you explain this sentence in detail?

Yes so as mentioned vEmpire DDAO is here to combat the user exploitation and commoditisation we are seeing from greedy out of control capitalism. Capitalism is the corporations making money, we want our players gamers and users to be the ones making money as they are the ones who keep the Metaverse going

The reason why Decentraland & the Metaverse stuck out as the first conquest was due to a few factors. Number 1, the appointment of Decentralands “security council” they were brought in to apparently make sure that there were no problems with bots, but they now control every single proposal put into the DAO, they decide what gets voted on by the community, not the community itself.

Another reason was their partnership with Decentral Games who run Vegas City, to vote or even get rewards in this DAO, you need to own 0.5% of their circulating supply, this is over $700,000……

Not what I would call a fair system! We do however want to make sure we are aligning ourselves with Metaverses we do like, for example AXS and Axie infinity. This is why we have invasions (MANA & SAND) as well as allies like Axie infinity. It does help that me and Jeff (Jiho) are in regular contact and he is a big fan of us!



Q3: vEmpire DDAO protocol integrates application scenarios such as DeFi service, pool staking, NFT and DAO. How do these scenarios achieve interoperability?

Haha yes so this has been a project I have been working on for months! Before NFT and the Metaverse became a trend! We were the trend setters! So the problem with a new concept is trying to explain it as people aren’t familiar. So we have meshed lots of the above elements together into this brand new concept.

I wrote the whitepaper starting earlier this year and a lot of people don’t believe me when I say this but if you read the whitepaper you will see it is true;

We are by far the most unique and truly original concept, in my opinion, to come out of the crypto market this year. There is not a single protocol or token in existence currently that is doing what we plan to do

Every launch this year just seems to be;

1) a fork but we do a certain part slightly better

2) animal token

3) A food named swap

4) Daddy, mummy or baby token

It’s been very very boring! Which is why I wanted to build something truly new, I am super bullish on this idea, as you can tell

I have put the one pager below but you can also read the whitepaper here https://v-empire.digital/whitepaper

Q4: What is the economic model of vEmpire DDAO?

So xVEMP & xsVEMP will not be tokens in the same right as VEMP and so will not be publicly tradable, they will only exist in your wallet without value & on the platform. xVEMP is a “proof of stake” token, this works in that owning it, allows you to qualify be gifted fees from the vEmpire platform. On unstaking of your xVEMP you will be given back your VEMP stake as well as a portion of any rewards that were given to the DDAO, in the time that you had your VEMP staked for xVEMP.

xsVEMP is a further level which allows users to enter our great arena where they can battle other users in the NFT play to earn game for the chance to win more VEMP

xsVEMP holders are truly the most daring and bravest warriors of vEmpire. Anybody can win and fight in the arena, but it is our NFT holders who will have the best chance, this is because our NFTs boost your score, so more NFTs equals more chance of winning. For more information on the token and staking tokens please see section 1 & section 5 of our whitepaper https://v-empire.digital/whitepaper.

vEmpire’s supply is capped at 810,720,000 which is gradually released over 21 years. There is no additional minting of VEMP. 96% of all remaining supply is locked for your peace of mind.

You can find our emissions schedule and inflation table in the whitepaper.

Q5: As the Metaverse system token of vEmpire DDAO, vEmpire issued a treasure hunt card NFT game. Where can we play this game? Can you introduce more ways to play?

Always a popular question! So vEmpire Emperors parchments quiz is, at first, a quest that can only be solved by the Empire working together to solve the clues. vEmpire encourages community and so if people keep clues to themselves then nobody will be able to enter the final battle to win 1% of vEmpire’s supply.

Inside every NFT from vEmpire there is unlockable content, this must be placed on a google sheet. eventually the quest will turn into a battle of individuals, but for now nobody can progress unless the Empire community works together to solve the final cataphract clue by getting the last three clues from the last influencers left! These three influencers must be tweeted to release their letters! @TheMoonCarl @intocryptoverse @DENTOSHI

The winner of this quest, which will take years to complete, will win over 8 million tokens. If we get to even half the size of MANA, that is over $5,000,000 dollars!!! See here for more https://medium.com/@v-empire.digital/vempire-announces-nft-treasure-hunt-the-emperors-parchments-7f5f3920138e

Q6: VEMP made public sale on August 31. What achievements were made at that time? Is it helpful to the subsequent project listing?

Yes absolutely. Our greatest achievement so far is definitely our IEO announcement on MEXC Global & BKEX following within days. It is extremely rare for two top exchanges to accept a new token launch and this goes to show their confidence in vEmpire.

Alongside that we were accepted as an incubated launch on Unicrypt. Only three out of the previous 500 launches ever were accepted and vEmpire DDAO is the fourth.

You can find the full development schedule here on the one pager and on the website

Q7: How is the project going on? What are the future plans?

It’s going great! Our roadmap which we are on track for is to have the platform launched with five staking pools, ETH, AXS, MANA, SAND & STARL and the DDAO live on 23rd September. After this we want a demo of the game by October. With it live by November alongside Polygon & BSC capabilities. We will add more and more tokens and chains as we develop.

Q8: VEMP got listed on BKEX Global on Sept 5. Why did VEMP choose to cooperate with BKEX?

So we have always had fans and a strong community in Asia which is why it is our first port of call when it comes to exchanges, we want our game to be as popular as Axie whilst also allowing users to profit from staking their tokens as well as earning them from battling each other.

We want our communities to be as active and profitable as AXS is and we thought BKEX and other Asian exchanges were a perfect bridge to reach our communities

Q9: What is the goal of this airdrop activity jointly held with BKEX?

The goal is to reward all of our great BKEX community & to introduce VEMP to those using the platform who haven’t managed to find us yet! Our project, in scope, is massive. There is no reason why with our roadmap and plans we can’t be the next biggest Metaverse project and we want our earliest exchanges and community to benefit from being early!

*️⃣English Telegram group

