Loot Changes NFT · BKEX Empowers the Future with Ecology

BKEX Exchange
BKEX Content Center
8 min readSep 9, 2021

BKEX is a global digital asset financial service platform, focusing on the mining and absorption of high-quality assets, an innovative international station of digital assets for global users, providing trading and investment services among various digital assets.

Recently, a TXT file with white text and black background — Loot NFT, the “equipment list” similar to role-playing games, has become popular on the Internet. These equipment are scarce and will be randomly assigned.

The 8 lines of text represent 8 randomly generated adventurer equipment: weapon, chest armor, helmet, waist armor, foot armor, hand armor, necklace and ring.

The total number of Loot is 8,000, and 222 are allocated to developers.

Loot NFT project, initiated by Dom Hofmann. Loot, the text adventure NFT project, is Hofmann’s new attempt to explore the boundaries of NFT. Its purpose is to realize the interoperability and compatibility between games in the NFT field, and reverse the concept of the game by relying on game props.

Why is a Loot with only white text and black background worth so much money? We need to analyze ecological situation of Loot NFT.

Generally speaking, NFT project creators increase the price of NFT collectors’ collections by expanding the ecosystem. From this relationship, creators create an incentive mechanism for collectors to increase the scarcity of NFT. In addition to purchase, other NFTs may be airdropped for holders to enrich the construction of the whole NFT. In other words, the creator of most NFT projects is a “seller” role, and the user is a “buyer” role. The project owner endows the holder with value, such as airdrop, staking, mining, etc.

However, the playing method of Loot is slightly different. Loot circles a range for users with a limited number. Users need to do it themselves to obtain the remaining props or establish trade unions. The role of Loot in this project is more like a “third-party tool provider”, allowing users to change from a “buyer” to a party with independent construction rights, and the holder assigns a value to Loot. Although it is a small change, its vitality is very intuitive at present.

Loot with such high price will be said to be a flash in the pan, but the emergence of Loot also provides new development ideas and greater imagination space for the future development path of the whole NFT. Shortly after the creation of the world, some people have done the surrounding ecological construction of market, equipment, enemies, partners, fields, tasks, mounts, banquets, partners, ability scores, roles, etc. around Loot, each of which is a new project based on Loot. Although it has not yet taken shape, it has captured a large number of game fans. Holders of Loot obtain the equipment or characters in the game for sale, so as to generate cash flow and turn them into interest bearing assets. The superposition of the foundation layer and the ecological application layer of Loot make the value of Loot rise rapidly.

In fact, the original meaning of “ecology” refers to the state of survival and development of organisms in a certain natural environment. But now, ecology has been applied to many fields for analogy. In 2018, the field of blockchain cryptocurrency market has been given a new meaning of “ecology”.

In the cryptocurrency market ecology, the relationship between reality and application is increasing. The roles of public chain, users, investment groups, miners, communities and media are gradually filling the ecosystem of the cryptocurrency market, as is the ecological construction of trading platforms. The ecological concept of the trading platform is not limited to the breadth of the trading business scope. Its key point is the depth of building an all-round ecosystem model, opening different types of permissions and contacts from project parties, users, technology to market tracking to form a lasting closed-loop effect, reaching a consensus by using the unique ecological system of trading platforms, and standardizing Intelligent code of conduct for the construction of the whole ecosystem.

DeFi ecology has sprung up in the blockchain. There are more than a thousand projects around DeFi ecology. Against the birth of traditional financial modules, DeFi related fields include a series of financial applications such as centralized exchanges, stablecoin, insurance, lending, custody, synthetic assets and asset chaining, and use Ethereum-based smart contracts to link more core financial sectors, create an open financial ecological market. BKEX pays attention to the progress of DeFi market, and will strictly control the DeFi series products involved, improve users’ experience and efficiency, and ensure users’ privacy, asset security and freedom of asset management.

Today, the popular NFT not only gradually increases its cryptocurrency value status, but also its ecosystem is rising rapidly. In addition to the well-known crypto games, encryption transaction cards, art tokens and collection markets, the NFT ecosystem also includes comprehensive exchanges, databases, decentralized domain names, finance, copyright, fan economy, social networking, content creation and other aspects. DeFi and NFT interact: DeFi provides liquidity for NFT, and NFT value assets can provide a circular economy of mortgage lending and purchase of new assets for DeFi protocols.

With the rapid renewal of the ecological circle of the encryption market, it is also an inevitable choice for many trading platforms to adapt to market changes and develop ecology. The public chain and platform token are an indispensable part of the trading platform ecology. The underlying public chain supports the ecology of trading platforms, and the platform token known as the “barometer” is the value embodiment of the circulation of all links of the infrastructure of trading platforms.

Of course, a trading platform only with a public chain and platform token can not be praised as a healthy trading platform. A sustainable ecosystem model needs to be upgraded and innovated with the market orientation. As the world’s leading one-stop trading platform, BKEX, in addition to the basic contract, spot, mining, financial management and other businesses of the trading platform, continues to pay attention to the market dynamics, grasp the weather vane of the times, and take the whole ecological construction as the driving force for diversified development.

In the changing track of the new era, BKEX implements the business matrix of “one core and two dimensions” parallel development, takes the transaction business as the core, and horizontally empowers the platform token through multiple businesses such as mining pool, cloud mining service and mining machine hosting. Lengthwise, it gathers global excellent technical teams for distributed parallel technology and high-speed matching engine; The members of financial risk control team with more than 10-year experience guard API transactions, devote themselves to technology research, enhance innovation ability, and established special investment funds to protect users’ funds.

From 2018 to 2021, BKEX launched a variety of innovative products to provide users with professional, reliable and rich liquidity mining agency services, and comprehensively opened a new era of staking economy with BKEX Smart Pool (Current Mining, Flexible Mining, Regular Mining and New Coin Mining), a mining and financial product with floating income. Mining layout is a key part in the ecological development of the exchange. In terms of mining industry construction, BKEX launched DIP, MOON, FILPool, GOF and other mining pool businesses according to market changes; Launched cloud mining purchase services such as XCH, FIL6 and FM according to market demand; Launched the purchase business of mining machines such as Bobcat miner 300 according to the needs of users.

In addition, BKEX will have a comprehensive review of the new currencies every week.

When the dormant DeFi ecology reappeared, BKEX not only listed DeFi projects such as EDC, AXIS and PHA in time, but also launched the “DeFi Sheik” recruitment plan. With exclusive honor, priority channel, ultra-high commission return, high bonus and other welfare activities, BKEX invited the group owners of DeFi community, blockchain KOL and senior blockchain enthusiasts to join BKEX’s DeFi ecosystem.

At the economic level, as a high-quality asset transaction and management platform, BKEX provides access channels for many project parties, and Smart Pool, DeFi, NFT and Metaverse diversified projects improve the product circulation of the platform; From a strategic perspective, BKEX first launched Taihe Stable Strategic Structured Closed-end Fund and JDI High Growth Fund, and continuously optimized the product structure of the platform. In the fierce market game, BKEX stands firm in the economic market with high annualized income. At the user level, BKEX’s exclusive OTC and quota channels, regularly airdrop Current Mining Interest Hike Coupon rate increase coupons, annual private sharing meetings, etc. to protect the VIP rights and interests of key customers; Diversification projects provide rich selection opportunities for all users, allowing investors to access more high-quality projects. At the level of ecological development, in-depth innovative product R & D and new mechanisms are used to build channels for asset security and value-added system, so as to provide value support for the depth and breadth of BKEX business.

Blockchain world is changing rapidly, which promotes the emergence of new models and playing methods in the industry ecosystem. In the face of these new things, BKEX trading responds to the market as quickly as possible to enhance its core competitiveness. In addition, security compliance is an important consideration of investors for the trading platform. As far as BKEX is concerned, it continuously increases investment in security, strengthens safety measures, strictly abides by national regulatory regulations, actively embraced policies, and kept in mind the two lifelines of “security and supervision” of the exchange in the process of development.

As a new front-line exchange in the world, BKEX has always adhered to the aggregation of traffic, and constantly polished the multi-party relations among products, users, platforms and ecology with the concept of the transformation and innovation of product ecology, so as to best reflect the value of the circulation of digital assets and base itself on the cryptocurrency market with a good reputation. BKEX will be based on ecological construction, serve the old users, partners and new friends of the platform with the attentive services, so that everyone can feel the great energy of BKEX high-quality comprehensive trading platform. As a link between users and projects, BKEX has been making continuous efforts to explore high-quality assets, list popular projects, broaden publicity channels and attract new traffic outside the cryptocurrency circle, tap the value of original assets in the cryptocurrency community, grab high-quality assets for users, enrich the platform asset ecology, aggregate the wealth effect, and use its own ecology to deliver power to the whole cryptocurrency market.

*️⃣English Telegram group

