Do people know how to have conversations without holding a smart phone?

Brittany Metz
Blab Daily Digest
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2015

Over the past few years something sad has happened to face to face interactions.

We’re consumed in another social world. The difficult part is, we’re not able to fully engage in conversations. We’re sharing our lives to social media, instagraming photos, texting other friends, posting photos of where we are, and then we forget to actually experience the event we’re at.

If I were asked to write this event a few months ago, I would have answered, “No. People cannot have conversations without holding their phone as a security blanket.”

Thankfully, I didn’t write that blog because:

  1. That’s pretty lame that I even mentioned a security blanket.
  2. I would have been wrong.

Something amazing happened today.

Tyler Anderson put on the very first Blab meetup, and it was amazing!

The one thing I found so amazing was I found people grouping off into groups of 2–4 people and socializing.

No one was holding a smart phone.

They were actually having conversations.

I took photos to prove it!

They were having conversations that they didn’t need their smart phones to have. They weren’t live tweeting, texting other friends, ordering things on Amazon. They were having Blabs IRL.

I’ve never been at a conference or a meetup that had so many people just talking. Phones away.

150 people showed up to this spontaneous event, and I’m so impressed.

I would like to thank you all for reminding me that people can engage without their phones in hand. ❤

So, yes. People do know how to have conversations without their smart phones. The real question is, why don’t we see more authentic moments where people are present in conversations?

Just in case you missed the live Blabs:

Rob Cesternino & Tyson Apostol:

Shaan & Furqan’s live town hall:

Joel Comm & Tyler Anderson:

