Possible Blab Show Ideas

I don’t have time to host these, so I’m giving you my ideas royalty free. ;)

Brittany Metz
Blab Daily Digest


Commentary Shows:

  • What the YouTube show — Tossing up some YouTube videos in one box and you and 3 people just talk about the videos lined up. Each show would have a theme. “Unboxing commentary” ← You and your friends just provide live commentary on recorded videos (RifTrax style)
  • Opinionated Art Critiques show — Put up abstract art in one window, while you and some sophisticated Blabbers give feedback on what the piece means or what it says to them. Optional: Wine in plastic cups.

Sports Shows:

  • We have no idea how to “sports” show — 2 people giving live commentary on a live sports game. Tearing down the game and explaining what’s going on without any idea. Optional: Show game in 3rd window.
  • I hate your team — Rival sports fans battle it out and just argue sports forever.

Comedy Shows:

  • Live Foodstagram: The Show — I would like to have one camera showing an arial view of well lit food, while another camera is me eating it. 2 guests are encouraged to join and watch me each the wonderful food without being able to try any.
  • Live stand-up comedy material open mic practice — Testing jokes with other comedians and just going over new material and sets. Other comedians will be on camera and give feedback and notes after the set. Optional: Laughing.
  • Scripted OR improv show— Characters jump into the Blab and have a show for an audience. They do not have to interact, but they can take suggestions to carry on with improved moments in the show.
  • What not to wear — Sassy exaggerated fashion advice given to anyone who jumps on. All in good fun.

Dating Shows:

  • Live Tinder — Using cam software (Reflector 2 and CamTwist) to put my tinder screen in one window, and just show my reactions in another. Guests are welcome to jump in and provide additional commentary.
  • Blab Speed Dating — This might require some screening before the show, but I would like to have 1 host, 1 girl, and then 1 guy will jump in with a 5 minute clock running. The host will give a 30 second warning and then kick the guy to bring in the next caller. Optional: Daters are in the same location so they can actually date IRL.
  • First time FaceTime — I would like people who have met through online dating to do their first meeting/facetime call live on Blab. They both jump on and a room of people watches their first interactions and provides comments and sends props.

Cooking Shows:

  • Live Drunk Kitchen — The wonderful Drunk Kitchen show brought over live. Multiple camera angles set up just to show how things are done. This show can take callers at the end if there are questions or fans just want to say hello.

Debates Shows:

  • NO I’M RIGHT: The Show— Host gives two sides of an argument that neither person wants to defend. “Why someone should only eat dairy, why pesticides are good for you,” “TheFatJewish vs. FuckJerry who is funnier IRL,” “Fish vs. Lizards: Which pet loves you more” etc.
  • Political Hour — This would need a moderator, but a liberal, centrist, and a conservative walk into a Blab. This is the type of political debate you would never truly find on a news network. People can tap out to let someone in the audience jump in to defend points they might be more opinionated about.

