“When is Blab going to get screen share?”
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2016
Does today work? 😏
Multiple people can share their screen at the same time!
Why we built it
It was never a matter of IF it was always when. When you’re hanging out with your friends in real life, you want to show them things. To make hanging out easier we’ve brought you screen share!
“Screen share is dope!” -Thomas Jefferson, 2016
How it works
(Visuals only, no sound)
- Hosts can click this fancy purple button
- Download the Chrome extension here
3. Choose which screen you’d like to share
4. That’s it!
Protip: To share in a small box, click and hold.
How you can use it:
- Surf the Internet together
- Using PhotoShop or Illustrator
- Do a live demo
- 1M other things you can think of