3rd Road Show Throw Back — Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong 2018/09

Timo Zimmermann
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018

Our second stop in Seoul was at a very special location for the Block Seoul event. Directly at the Hangang river. One more time Seoul presented itself as the blockchain and crypto hotspot and we met new and interesting people as well as old friends, also outside of the event. We had plenty of follow-ups with our partners to plan our next steps. Seoul treats us always very well and we will soon be back in this booming city.

After Seoul, the next big stop on the agenda of 2018 was the Consensus in Singapore. At our first time in Singapore, we were already impressed and unbelievably overwhelmed by its architecture and its people. This and the Consensus made us looking forward to visit this amazing place again. Consensus itself was also great. We had interesting chats with key players and projects we are connected to. It was exciting to see how the scene moves, even in the current market. Furthermore, it was great to see how certain projects have developed since our last visit. The community itself wasn’t as hyped as it used to be, but the people who attended the event were the true crypto believers. Hence, the conversations were very productive.

We are looking forward to coming back to this amazing place and the Blockchain Week in Bangkok as well as Beyond Blocks.

See you guys around.

