Blab VS. Periscope and the winner is…

Katyan Roach
2 min readOct 17, 2015


Now I’m not really one to advocate jumping on every Social Media platform there is, but recently I’ve been fascinated by what’s been happening on the streaming media platforms! My last blog post took a look at Periscope and how you can use it for your business and today after hosting my very first Blab! I must say I’m hooked on them both! Now if I were forced to choose just one, which would it be in this Blab vs. Periscope debate? Before I reveal my pick, let me give you a quick overview of both platforms:


Periscope is a live video streaming app that’s available on both iphone and Android. Periscope allows you to reach, your customers, colleagues, friends and potentially anyone, anywhere in the world; in real time. It’s very easy to use, as you simply download the app, hit broadcast and your basically on your way!

Videos are streamed from your phone and can also be viewed on the web. These videos are saved for 24 hours but you do have the option to use services like to save copies of your broadcast for use elsewhere.

Blab is a live video streaming service that also allows you to have free video conversations online but instead of simply solo chatting into your phone re: Periscope, you can have up to four people at a time join your conversation. Viewers can tweet, join the discussion via chat or even join into the live video.

I have tired both platforms and for now, for me, the winner is (drum roll please. . .) BLAB!!!

Although I see the power of Periscope to reach an entirely new audience in a very unique way, I like that Blab, for now, allows me to connect with influencers and people with whom I can form real connections and potentially do business with. Think Linkedin but with real time chat and real time connectivity. That’s why I like it.

So here’s another tip to help you decide which one you prefer. If your business is established to the point where your customer base is solid and you’re looking for another way to grow and engage your existing fans, periscope would be my pick but if you are looking to connect with your peers, others in your field or make some really cool business connections, Blab would be my choice.

So if you’d like to get so more information now how you can get started on check out this great Blab Tutorial from my friend Ian Cleary over at Razor Social.

This article really breaks down the platform beautifully! Good luck and I hope you Blab with you soon!

Originally published at on August 26, 2015.



Katyan Roach

I’m a Social Media Strategist, and I write on a variety of topics including Entrepreneurship and Mindfulness.