Black Bear Submission Guidelines—Updated 2024

And becoming a writer with our publication

KiKi Walter
Black Bear
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2023


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Welcome to Black Bear. We are Medium’s and Medium Staff’s newest and fastest-growing publication dedicated to stories about mental health, addiction, and recovery.

Coming to you from the same publishers as The Memoirist and Age of Empathy, Black Bear has acquired an eclectic group of writers from around the world who have experienced a vast array of mental health disorders and addiction issues. Some have experienced these struggles themselves, and some are parents, siblings, spouses, and other loved ones. We also have therapists and those who are currently in recovery and sober.

A little bit about me

I have a career background in mental health and addiction as a content and creative director and am passionate about the industry. I’ve worked in the field for close to a decade. I decided during a brief gap in employment to take advantage of the time and go to an IOP for depression. It’s been a breath of fresh air, and knowing all the things I know about mental health and depression, it is the best thing I could have done to give myself a fresh start after a stressful year.

Why Black Bear?



KiKi Walter
Black Bear

AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, and more.