Breaking Open an Ex-Heroin Addict’s Warm Message in an Icy Bottle

Sage advice from a former addict-turned-badass, kettlebell-swinging, vegan personal trainer

Lens of Rose
Black Bear


Image of Sophie Banyard — courtesy of Murder Mile Studio

Being an Author for has allowed me to connect with people from around the world I wouldn’t have otherwise known existed.

People who are the perfect case studies of what self-belief and perseverance can do to us even when we are in the midst of crippling drug addiction. They hold the power to inspire us not just because they have “been there” and “done that” but who are brave enough to bare themselves to the world wearing the t-shirt.

For writers like me who want to show the world what feats humans are capable of, it’s the stuff of storytelling gold. I just so happened to have one fall into my lap, or rather glide into my Twitter inbox.

Sophie Banyard blew me away with her story about how she was able to completely destroy her 5-year addiction to heroin with help of the Wim Hof Method.

You may know of the three-pillar wellness technique. We will get into it more in this article.

Ultimately, its beauty stems from its simplicity. With minimal instruction, almost anyone can practice it and reap the immediate benefits. However, it’s not suitable for…



Lens of Rose
Black Bear

Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥