Did I Really Store a Traumatic Memory in My Hip?

Yoga can reveal a lot about yourself.

Helena Anne
Black Bear


I’ve just had a fascinating experience at my local yoga class. And not for the first time at this particular venue, I ended up on a rather interesting journey during the session.

I’ve written about our local yoga studio before and my internal adventures in our healing cave. It really is the most enchanting space. Or should I say portal? I do often feel I’m in another dimension when I’m there. Every time I walk in, I feel safe, grounded, protected. Because of this, I can go deep into my yoga practice and our wonderful instructor Lorraine is always there to push me further.

So today, whilst in pigeon pose, Lorraine got me to angle my front left leg into more of a 90-degree angle than the usual acute angle I do in pigeon, and this is a hip I injured long ago. In fact 11 years ago in a road traffic accident…. an accident which incidentally resulted in me leaving a career that had become stale and life-draining to me.

So here I was in this advanced pigeon pose, and if you’ve ever been challenged in a yoga class you will know the sensation when you can feel extremely tight muscles being pulled apart like a thick elastic band stretched to its maximum. That was going on in my hip today.



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