Four Months Alcohol Free — How It’s Going

I can’t believe it’s been four months already — here’s how I’ve been feeling.

Jordan Katherine
Black Bear


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

There are some new and unexpected feelings I’ve been dealing with over the past month.

I rarely enjoyed the feeling of getting drunk before I gave up alcohol. I enjoyed a drink most days but the idea of being drunk didn’t appeal to me.

The nature of alcohol though meant that I would often get drunk, because one drink turns to two which turns to five. Once the relaxing, anxiety-reducing effects wore off I needed another drink.

Now, seeing other people drunk, seeing pictures of friends who are drunk or hearing stories of drunken nights out gives me this new feeling: I’m so glad it’s not me.

This is a regular feeling now, that I’m happy to be the one who’s sober.

I’m still being questioned on why

Because I work from home and can easily spend weeks without going out very often, the people who I don’t see regularly are still questioning why I’m not drinking.

I’m still having work colleagues say they can’t wait to go for a drink soon.

I know I will disappoint them when I only stay out for an hour and I don’t go down the usual…



Jordan Katherine
Black Bear

Writer who enjoys running, hiking, nature and my dog Ziggy (I also love writing about them)