Here’s What a Substance Abuse Addict Looks Like After 28 Years of Use
It is self-destruction
My oldest daughter came to my house for Christmas.
I have written much about her drug struggles since she was 20. She will be 49 in March.
Her body, inside and out, has taken a lot of wear and tear.
She has had severe bouts of endocarditis from septic MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus). She got the infection when she shared needles with other heroin users.
She has vegetation growth in her heart.
In endocarditis, irregular growths made of germs and cell pieces form a mass in the heart. These clumps are called vegetation. They can break loose and travel to the brain, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. They can also travel to the arms and legs. https://www.mayoclinic.org › endocarditis
She is supposed to be on antibiotics for the rest of her life, but she doesn’t always get the prescription filled, even though it is free. She is told she needs heart surgery, but because she cannot stay off drugs long enough, the surgeon cannot operate.
She has pockets of MRSA abscesses in many areas of her body.