Addiction Stinks

If You Just Do This or That, Everything Will Be Fine

A fairy tale about mental health and addiction

Amy Strommer
Black Bear
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2024


infant girl with blue eyes — medium story boost
Photo by Amy Strommer

Once upon a time, a girl with flaxen hair and steely blue eyes entered this world to parents who loved her more with every breath she took. They caressed her toes and tickled her chin. The baby looked at the world that welcomed her with an intensity and awareness beyond her age.

And people said:

“Oh, what a cute baby! She is so alert and observant. You are so fortunate.”

And they were right.

And they were wrong.

The baby grew into a little girl. She looked at the world around her with interest and doubt. She heard the wind gathering in the distance and saw shadows in the corners. And the girl whimpered.

And people said:

“If you just do this and if you just do that, then everything will be fine.”

But it wasn’t.

Toddler clinging to mom — medium story boost
Photo by Patrick Sullivan



Amy Strommer
Black Bear

Amy Strommer writes about motherhood, life, and other 3 a.m. topics. Though humor is her love language, sometimes a serious piece will land on the page.