I’m a Sugar Coated Christian Alcoholic
How our labels define and sometimes, crucify us
Several years ago my father offered me a drink to which I replied, “No thanks, I’ve been sober for ___ years”.
He quickly popped back, “Don’t tell people you’re sober, just say you don’t drink anymore”.
Insert eye roll here.
If we can’t admit the reality of our problem, isn’t that contributing to the problem itself?
I’m an alcoholic. That can have many different visuals for many different people, but to mask it, fluff it, or sugarcoat it doesn’t make the reality any different.
I’m still an alcoholic.
This is just one of my many labels.
Another is my current vocation, Christian missionary.
These two labels don’t tend to go hand in hand. How do I handle them? I cloak and dagger them both. The party people don’t want to hear that you’re a church person, and the church people really don’t want to hear that you’re an addict.
It’s exhausting.
Label: Alcoholic
I started drinking in junior high school but didn’t start attending church until I was in my 40s—booze for the win.