Mental Health

Navigating the World of Therapy Can Be Daunting, but Worth It

This is my personal story and some tips on what to expect

Black Bear
Published in
8 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by cottonbro studio:

“And…….this is why I’m here. I…think?”

I sat back after ending my five-minute tirade, an answer to the innocuous “What brings you here?” question from the therapist.

I hadn’t rehearsed my speech but I had pre-decided a few things I wanted to talk about. But once the floodgates were opened, everything came pouring out:

I would get home from work and catch myself standing in the middle of the living room paralyzed, unsure of what to do next. “Is peeing more important than taking the dogs out? But I’m thirsty, soooooo thirsty, should I drink water first? Oh and those work emails I saw while I was driving — even though I shouldn’t have — would they think I’m slacking if I didn’t reply ASAP?” I was lost, had difficulty prioritizing, and felt like crap. I couldn’t do anything. I was failing at this life thing.

I looked up at her expectantly, with tear-laden eyelashes obscuring my view. As she sipped her coffee and cleared her throat to speak, I felt my shoulder muscles clench and my body brace itself, waiting for the familiar tingle of shame to wash over me, as it had every time…



Black Bear

Writer of Personal Stories, Humor, Fiction & Mental Health