The Magical Healing Power of Journaling
Obtaining answers by metaphysical wifi
Journalling is one seriously powerful healing tool. It’s like a super-charged counselling session where if you persist, the resolution to what you are struggling with just appears on the paper… and you wrote it!
And it’s specific and wise and comprehensive.
Where it comes from, who knows? Maybe your unconscious or subconscious had the answer already there just waiting for you to uncover it.
I like to think it’s a bit more mystical than that. I do like a bit of woo-woo.
I like to believe there is some higher power sending the answer down via the angels.
Maybe our ancestors and passed loved ones have been up there watching over us and have had a pow-wow to discuss the best way forward. But they can’t get the answer to us, due to some spiritual technicality about atmospheres or stratospheres or something, so they are just waiting for us to pick up the pen so they can beam the information down by some kind of metaphysical wifi.