The Victim Game: A Rant on Fake Suffering

The Suffering Olympics: Why Some People Compete for Misery

Sahil Fruitwala
Black Bear


Photo by Stewart Munro on Unsplash

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.”
— Seneca

Seneca said this beautiful quote thousands of years ago. But he forgot, people like to show their suffering as some kind of achievement. Some people just like how it feels when they are suffering (physically).

The Pretenders

Most people nowadays are pretending to suffer or just finding ways to get more problems in life by making dumb choices. And they boast about it by saying, “You only live once!”

Others like to pretend they are suffering to play the victim card, to get sympathy from people around them. To me, these kinds of people are those who are so used to attention that they can’t think of any other way to grab people’s attention or emotionally attach to them. So, they play the victim game.

A Personal Confession

I am one of those people.

I used to do it. When people were ignoring me or not showing the same emotional attachment that they showed other people, I got jealous. This is the point where I started playing the victim game.



Sahil Fruitwala
Black Bear

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