The Warning Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

I ignored many of these subtle signs that I wish I noticed earlier

Michele Maize
Black Bear


Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels

Alcohol is widely consumed in social situations all over the world. It is the only drug you have to explain to others why you are not using.

Because it is promoted and often celebrated, it is easier for people to get addicted to this addictive substance.

Alcoholism which is now technically called Substance Use Disorder is on the rise.

Alcoholism is defined as an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or the mental illness and compulsive behavior that results from alcohol dependence.

Substance use disorders occur when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. –SAMHSA

There are subtle warning signs along the way. Sometimes these subtle warning signs can cause people to quit drinking but most of the time they are just stepping stones to bigger problems.



Michele Maize
Black Bear

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.