What Do I Do?

Why I Have Not Been Writing Funny Stories About Being a Parent Lately

Addiction stinks.

Amy Strommer
Black Bear
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2023


Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash

Holidays fill your life with thoughts of love and home. But this year, the holidays filled me with sadness.

I planned the Thanksgiving meal.

I cooked the Thanksgiving meal.

I washed five million Thanksgiving dishes, breaking only one plate and one wine glass.

While sweeping, I realized my five million parenting worries don’t end when a child becomes an adult.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

I found the Christmas decorations and killed the spiders hanging around the edges of the boxes.

I decorated the Christmas tree and swore to sort the decorations and throw out the broken ornaments.

I cried in my bathroom on Christmas Eve because my 21 year was not with us, and so much felt broken in my life.

Photo by Jason M on Unsplash



Amy Strommer
Black Bear

Amy Strommer writes about motherhood, life, and other 3 a.m. topics. Though humor is her love language, sometimes a serious piece will land on the page.