YoYo Ups and Downs — The Life of a Bipolar

Being bipolar is not an easy way of life, but it’s the only one I know

Kathy K
Black Bear


Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

Anyone who suffers from Bipolar Disorder knows that life is just like a yoyo. Ups and downs, some ups higher than others, and some lows so low that you don’t think you’ll ever get up again.

I haven’t been aware of being bipolar for very long, just about a month or so. But I’ve been bipolar all my life. Turns out there are three types of Bipolar Disorder and I fit smack into the middle one. Like being that middle child (which I am, by the way). That just means that my yo-yo life doesn’t go as high or as low as others with the more severe type of the disorder.


When I’m at the top of the yoyo, I’m happy and confident to the point of arrogance. The ideas flow, projects get done, my drive for accomplishment is amazing! There is nothing that I can’t do. I’m superwoman. My life is going good and I never want it to change. Look at the picture that the NIMH paints of a bipolar manic episode.

Symptoms of a Manic Episode
Feeling very up, high, elated, or extremely irritable or touchy
Feeling jumpy or wired, more active than usual
Decreased need for sleep
Talking fast about a lot of different things (“flight of ideas”)



Kathy K
Black Bear

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.