From The Ashes… Rebirth.

by Aniyia Williams and Francesca Escoto

Aniyia L. Williams
Black & Brown Founders
3 min readJun 19, 2020


There is a rising desire everywhere to enter a new era of capitalism and dignified work. It is part of the hope that drives us every day.

It’s time for a new social contract; one that aligns humanity and the institutions that affect our daily lives, and prioritizes the interests of Black and Latinx people.

It is a moral and economic imperative that the United States of America change course. As a global leader, we must rethink and redesign how power, opportunity, safety, and resources are distributed.

We know that the root cause of inequality is unchecked individual self-interest. At its worst and most dangerous state, the consequences of this are systems that extract value from many to create unimaginable wealth for a few. We’ve seen how this ultimately enables bad actors with power to bend the rules at will, in politics, business, and law.

We all suffer because of it. The harm crosses all cultural lines.

If the story we write is destined to have winners and losers, let the “losers” be those who show complete disregard for the humanity and dignity of others. Let the losers be those who reject being equally bound to fairness as those who are disproportionately harmed by our justice systems. Let the losers be those who fight for the preservation of the status quo in order to recreate a dishonorable and fantastical past. The prevention of progress for others is a common enemy for us all.

The antidote to inequality is economic mobility. However, economic mobility does not happen on its own. For Black and Latinx communities, entrepreneurship can prove to be a very effective mobility tool.

Let us create new pathways to economic empowerment that celebrate the competitive human spirit and right to pursue happiness and satisfaction, regardless of what someone looks like or where they come from. There is currently enough to cover everyone’s needs.

Let our first aim be to minimize harm to others. Black and Latinx communities are rising from the colonial and imperialist ashes, and we will not participate in oppression.

We understand business and know that both partnerships and alliances are the strength of progress. Our new global future is fueled by brilliant people of all races and ethnicities who have existed since the beginning of time. We are not restricted by white supremacy. We are inspired by a thriving and powerful global south, where innovation exists alongside beauty, intellect, community, spirituality, and strength, which have shaped the complete human experience.

We can and will lead the way in creating a better future for our families, our country, and the global community. We can tap into that reality and move beyond racism without denying its existence. We choose to move forward in truth.

And the truth is that all people, indeed, are created equal.

Thank you for reading. Please share and clap it up to help other people find it. 👏🏾

We send a special thanks to Syreeta Martin, Deldelp Medina, Opeola Bukola, and Lorena Escoto for their contributions to this piece. ❤️

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Aniyia L. Williams
Black & Brown Founders

systempreneur. creator. human. now building @ omidyar network. founder @ black & brown founders, tinsel. co-founder @ zebras unite, black innovation alliance.