Are there Hypocrisies Surrounding The Black Lives Matter Movement?

Kowacie Reeves
Black Community
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2015
Above; Black Lives Matter Protesters

What is the Black Lives Matter Movement?

Black Lives Matter is a political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.

Why Was the Black Lives Matter Movement Established?

The Black Lives Matter Movement started in 2013 in the midst of many unjustifiable African American killings in the United States by either law enforcement or those of varying ethnic groups. The alarming trend sparked activists to take a stand. Activists aimed to bring social awareness and justice to those who commit unjust killings against blacks. The acquittal of George Zimmerman, neighborhood watch, in the 2013 murder trial of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin jump started the movement.

Police Brutality (Law Enforcement)

After the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the killing of African American males and females has become a continual (common) trend in contemporary society. Police brutality killings against blacks are at the forefront of this troubling trend. African Americans are killed at a persistently higher rate by police officers in the United States than any other ethnic group. Corruption within America’s Law Enforcement System is at an all time high. Evidence of discrimination, cover-ups, and corrupt officers have recently been uncovered. African Americans Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald etc have all been killed after the establishment of the Black Lives Matter Movement either by police officers or while in police custody. Some officers in these cases have been acquitted despite the presence of video footage evidence and the public’s outcry for justice.

Is There Hypocrisy Surrounding The Black Lives Matter Movement?

Many activists and African Americans in the United States have made accusations that “black lives” don’t matter in America because of the systematic oppression and inhumane killings that blacks have endured and continue to endure in American society. They cite the killing of African Americans by Caucasians, law enforcement officials or varying ethnic groups as the primary reasoning for their accusations. However, the disproportionately high volume of black on black crime occurring in America may cause some people to beg the differ. For example, Jerome Hudson, publisher, highlights the hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter Movement by detailing how they have been actively protesting in Chicago (Nov-Dec 2015) in the wake of recently released video footage that showed a white police officer shooting (16 times) and killing an African American male, Laquan Mcdonald, but did not protest the November 6, 2015 Chicago killing of Tyshawn Lee, 9 year old black boy, that was lured into an alley and shot to death by black gang members who were seeking revenge on the boy’s father. In addition to the black on black crime epidemic that has rocked Chicago’s African American community, the statistics for black on black crime nationwide since the infamous Trayvon Martin murder trial are staggering.

The following video footage shows the hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter Movement on full display. It shows Black Lives Matter advocates during a peaceful protest in Baltimore protesting against police brutality against African Americans (Mike Brown & Freddie Gray) while ignoring a black on black shooting that was simultaneously taking place just one street over. Check it out!

So…. Do “Black Lives” really matter to black people?

And…. When do “Black Lives” actually matter?

I know — I know — I know — that these questions will not be popular to the vast majority of Black Lives Matter activists and/or supporters; however, they must take a look at the totality of the injustices that are taking place within society and ask themselves these same intriguing questions!

Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Divisive Force?

Black Lives Matter Movement activists argue that their movement brings social awareness and justice to those who inexplicably commit unjust acts of violence and killings against African Americans. Many feel that their public outcry for justice and awareness to the oppression (social issues) of African Americans within society will force America’s Judicial System to hold the oppressors accountable for their actions.

On the other hand, the opposition accuses the movement of promoting division and hate between varying ethnic groups and law enforcement officials within America’s society. For example, an All Lives Matter Movement was formed as a response to the Black Lives Matter Movement. As a result, two opposing activist groups with different social views have been created which further adds fuel to the United States’ already divided society.

The following video footage shows an exchange between two social issue observers discussing and examining how the Black Lives Matter Movement may or may not be a divisive force in society. Check it out!

Again, is the Black Lives Matter Movement a divisive force?




Kowacie Reeves
Black Community

Man of God || Owner @HypesouthMedia || Editor-Evaluator || Youth Mentor || Basketball Coach