An Important Announcement From the Black Eye Galaxy Team

Hello Citizens

James G
Black Eye Galaxy
7 min readMar 25, 2022


In the last six months there has been a paradigm shift in the play-to-earn metaverse world. Since the release of Black Eye Galaxy, the team have been attempting to compete with hundreds of other higher APR projects by offering higher APR assets for our players and investors. However, this unsustainable approach can only last a limited amount time before changes have to be made. Much like many other projects across the play-to-earn sector, Black Eye Galaxy has been adjusting away from an unsustainable earning model, this has been evidently visisble for players in the last few months as the team introduce economic features including a capacity system for spaceships, dynamic APR to control earnings throughout market conditions as well as mining efficiency decay which gradually extends the amount of time players will wait to achieve the maximum capacity for spaceship assets. It is clear that projects must move away from the play-to-earn paradox which places too much focus on earning and little on entertainment and social interaction — which is essentially the two most important factors for players remaining in a game. The team have been attempting to shift away from focusing too much on the earning aspects and instead dedicating development time in maximising external revenue streams for the project.

The issue with this transition is that in the current day and age, players are paying to play with the sole purpose of making more money as there is very little social or entertainment value in playing most play-to-earn games. Players tend to only invest that which they can garuntee to receive back. This emphasises the significance of the play-to-earn paradox and the need for change. The current earning and economic models seen across a large majority of play-to-earn games simply translate to more unrealistic earning targets producing unsustainable and fragile projects that rely on consistent buy pressure with a limited time frame of survival. In short, it is a bite against time where the invetible conclusion is the collapse of the economy.

This is the reality of the play-to-earn sector. However, it does not need to remain as such.

The solution for the play-to-earn paradox is not simple but it is possible to achieve and whether we (as a team or as a player) like it or not, the majority of existing play-to-earn games, if not already, will be forced to develop away from this unsustainable economic model. Black Eye Galaxy is one such play-to-earn game that will be taking the first steps across the industry to move away from the stigma and paradox of relying on an unsustainable play-to-earn economic model.

Black Eye Galaxy was first established through the implementation of simple stake to earn functionality and mechanics, featuring only three NFT types — planets, membership cards, and spaceships. After launch and months of collecting community feedback, the team underwent a review of our plans and decided to add more gameplay functionality in the development of a 3D racing game. Fast forward a few months of development and growth, the team increasingly began to question the scalability of the game for 50–100k users with more complex mechanics. Through agreement by the team and advice from external advisors, we understood that the existing game design does not fit our plans for expansion. This concern, coupled with teams dissatisfaction with the current state of play-to-earn economies, has led to an important development that will change the course of Black Eye Galaxy and its playerbase for the better.

In summary, throughout the examination of the current project and analytics, it has been concluded that the current state of Black Eye Galaxy, with its existing smart contract functionality, cannot be scalable to match the expectations of the team for future iterations and changes that the team wishes to implement.

Therefore, the Black Eye Galaxy team would like to announce that we are relaunching and rebranding Black Eye Galaxy into a new exciting play and earn project called Spaceborne.

The Black Eye Galaxy team want to relaunch the game and heavily invest in marketing which is something we cannot do in the Black Eye Galaxy project because the team have ran out of initial funds raised last summer. Currently we are in talks with several VCs and private investors that act as advisors throughout this transformation and the proposed plan for relaunch (described below) has been developed together with the advisory team to maximise the best launch for Spaceborne and marketing.

In order to build a sustainable play and earn game, the team have decided that a dual-token economy is required through the creation of two separate tokens — a limited DAO token and an unlimted rewards token. Spaceborne creates an economy where direct in-game APR is indicative of the overall health of the project, and to boost these APRs, development will be focused on revenue generation rather than revenue distribution. The Spaceborne team will commit more resources on improving the entertainment and social factors which ensures a healthy continued player base. Spaceborne will also inherit an increased focused on non-earning assets including offering galaxies as a game service for other projects (service hosting), cosmetics, lottery and casino style mechanics that will generate alternative revenue for Spaceborne and maintain healthy APRs for players in-game. Increasing the social and entertainment value of Spaceborne will inrease screen time and interaction for the player which provides a base to leverage.

We are sure many of our community members have questions as to what happens with their Black Eye Galaxy assets and tokens.

What happens to the $BYG token?

Black Eye Galaxy will be relaunching as Spaceborne with a dual-token economy. All $BYG tokens will be swapped with the new rewards token $SOLIS on a 1–1 exchange model. The swap of these tokens will occur after IDO of Spaceborne. Date to be confirmed. BYG holders will get a chance to get whitelisted for the IDO launch of Spaceborne.

What happens to Black Eye Galaxy NFTs?

All NFTs in Black Eye Galaxy will be given a token value in the Spaceborne Game near launch. More details TBA. Up until the asset > token swap, players will be able to continue mining the BYG token.

All values are based on original launch price on marketplace:

MK1 Asteroid Hunter = 1,400 SOLIS Each
MK1 Asteroid Hunter staked for MK2 Asteroid Hunter = 5,400 SOLIS Each
MK2 Asteroid Hunter = 5,400 SOLIS Each
Hermes Cargo = 1,000 SOLIS Each
Explorer Discovery = 15,000 SOLIS Each
Salvage Team Level 1 = 1,000 SOLIS Each
Salvage Team Level 2 = 2,000 SOLIS Each
Salvage Team Level 3 = 3,000 SOLIS Each
Salvage Team Level 4 = 4,000 SOLIS Each
Salvage Team Level 5 = 5,000 SOLIS Each
Class D Planet = 6,000 SOLIS Each
All other planets = 12,000 SOLIS Each
Star Alliance Membership Cards = 600 SOLIS Each
Reputation Cards = 400 SOLIS Each

What happens to Black Eye Galaxy’s liquidity?

Black Eye Galaxy player liquidity will remain in the project for players unless player decide to sell tokens. The team cannot move or touch player liquidity.

What happens to dev tokens?

All $BYG tokens within the teams liquidity will remain in the BYG project and will not be touched at all! For reference below, you can track the following team wallets here:


What happens to my reputation level?

If players keep their BYG tokens into the reputation system they will retain their reputation level when Spaceborne releases.

What happens next?

  1. In terms of large rewards, mainly from the Salvage Team NFT Spaceship, we will deploy changes to the rewards multiplier to slow down the reduction of liquidity before the new token launch. With the current price and current inflation, it is unsustainable to continue offering large mining rewards with current APR. The rewards multiplier to be applied will be defined and announced before applying next week.
  2. We will keep offering BYG rewards for mining until the new project launch. This means players can continue earning the BYG token (regardless of its current value) and it will be swapped over to the SOLIS token upon launch which will have a new value. Hopefully this shows the community that we are still committed to delivering to players and offering what we can in this difficult situation.
  3. Disabling upgrades for Salvage Team spaceship. Stopping MK2 Asteroid Hunter minting, planet sales, and auctions.
  4. Players can continue to trade on the marketplace including buying, selling, transferring etc.
  5. The team will continue developing the game according to the roadmap for the Spaceborne project. We will also keep releasing updates on the development of the game within this process.
  6. All Black Eye Galaxy partners will be joining us in the Spaceborne project along with new investors and VCs!

For more information about the Spaceborne project please visit the following links:
Whitepaper > Gitbook > Website

A final note from the team

The Black Eye Galaxy team are incredibly thankful for our community and the effort players have put into spreading the potential and vision of the project. Although these changes may not be well received by some players, the team believe to perserve the future and initial vision of Black Eye Galaxy, which was always to provide a better decentralised play and earning model for players, these changes are required.

Ending on a positive note, the entire Black Eye Galaxy team would like to thank our community and moderators for this journey across our galaxy. The entire Black Eye Galaxy team will be moving over to the new Spaceborne project and we hope to see you there.

See you soon!

